Prae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University
<p>วารสารวิชาการ มหาวิทยาลัยกาฬสินธุ์ เป็นวารสารสหวิทยาการด้านมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ โดยรูปแบบผลงานที่วารสารจะรับพิจารณา มี 6 ประเภท คือ บทความวิจัย บทความทางวิชาการ บทความทั่วไป บทความปริทัศน์ บทวิจารณ์หนังสือ และบทความพิเศษ ทั้งนี้ บทความทุกเรื่อง มีผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิเฉพาะสาขาวิชา เป็นผู้ประเมินบทความ ได้กำหนดการเผยแพร่ <strong>3 ฉบับ ต่อปี</strong> ฉบับที่ 1 (มกราคม-เมษายน) ฉบับที่ 2 (พฤษภาคม- สิงหาคม) ฉบับที่ 3 (กันยายน-ธันวาคม)</p> <p><strong>วัตถุประสงค์</strong></p> <p>1) เพื่อส่งเสริมสนับสนุนการเผยแพร่งานวิจัยและทรรศนะทางวิชาการด้านสังคมศาสตร์และมนุษยศาสตร์ </p> <p>2) เพื่อเป็นเป็นสื่อกลางแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็นเชิงวิชาการ เผยแพร่ผลงานวิชาการและผลงานวิจัยของอาจารย์ นักวิจัย นักศึกษาทั้งภายในและ ภายนอกมหาวิทยาลัย</p> <p>3) เพื่อเป็นแหล่งศึกษาค้นคว้าทางวิชาการและการวิจัยเพื่อนำไปใช้ประโยชน์ต่อไป</p>มหาวิทยาลัยกาฬสินธุ์(เขตนามน)en-USPrae-wa Kalasin Journal of Kalasin University2351-0455Contents
<p>-</p>สุชานาถ สิงหาปัด
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<p>This paper reviews the impact of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity (VUCA) of the world on human resource (HR) functions and HR departments. It also seeks to find out what strategies HR departments should apply to be able to survive in the VUCA world. A literature review is included to understand the VUCA world and its impact on HR functions in general. Specific impacts on HR departments and strategies to overcome those impacts are identified. The paper presents eight factors of trends that may have a strong impact on the HR functions and five specific factors that may impact HR departments. Seven strategies to be implemented by HR departments are identified in order to be able to survive in the VUCA world.</p>จำเนียร จวงตระกูลพิศิษฐ์ มหาวิทยาลัยฟาร์อีสต์
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2019-12-272019-12-2763331345Development of participation according to the creative economy concept In tourism management Cultural Road Muen San community Chiang Mai Province
<p>The purposes of this research were to 1) study the cultural identity and wisdom of the Muen Sarn community, 2) study the conditions and needs of tourism management of the Muen San community culture road 3) develop participation in accordance with the creative economy concept in tourism management Muen San Community Culture Street The sample group used in the research was people in the ten thousand people community. Si Suphan Temple Community And Nantharam community, 98 people, using the specific selection method Which is a qualitative research By researching, R&D, collecting by using survey, interview, observation, group discussion and descriptive data analysis, the results showed that 1) The community is unique in culture, art, music, dance and silver Wua Lai. 2) The community has tourist attractions in arts, culture, traditions, religions, history, wisdom and economic development. But the route of the Muen Sarn culture road does not appear to organize activities or shops Making it not very popular with tourists And unsuccessful in tourism management The community wants to develop tourism management through participation in the concept of creative economy. 3) The community is able to manage tourism in the form of tourism management by participation of the community in accordance with the concept of creative economy and the maximum utilization of resources in the community.</p>ยุวดี หัสดี
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2019-12-272019-12-2763346363The Development of Thai Instructional Model to Enhance Higher- Order Thinking Skills of Matthayomsuksa 3 Students
<p>The purpose of this research were to: 1) To develop the Thai language learning management model that promotes advanced of thinking skills for Mathayomsuksa 3 students 2) to find the effectiveness of Thai language learning lesson plans that promote advanced thinking skills to be effective (E1/E2) according to the criteria 80/80 3) to compare the advanced thinking skills before and after of the students and 4) to study the satisfaction of learning. The sample group consisted of Mathayom Suksa 3/11 of Buakhao school students in 2<sup>nd </sup>term of academic year 2018, 36 students. The tools used in the research consisted Thai Instructional Model to Enhance Higher-Order Thinking Skills of Matthayomsuksa 3 Students, Lesson plans, Higher-Order thinking skills ability test, and the satisfaction questionnaire for studying. The data analysis using statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation, dependent t-test and content analysis. The Result of the research were as follows Thai Instructional model were appropriated at the highest level (4.76, S.D. 0.50) The lesson plans had the efficiency (E1 / E2) equal to 83.31 / 82.08 The sample students were taught by the “RECSEA Model” Had Higher-Order Thinking Skills after studying than before studying with statistical significance at the level of .01 The satisfaction of students to the teaching by using Thai Instructional Model to Enhance Higher-Order Thinking Skills level students as a whole at a high level (4.50, S.D. 0.55)</p>กัญณภัทร แสนพวง
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2019-12-282019-12-2863364382Stem Education Activity Design for Creative Problem-Solving Skills of Secondary School Students
<p>STEM Education activity is an activity that focuses on integrating contents of science, mathematics, and technology through engineering design. PDAR model is that can promote the Creative Problem Solving Skills of secondary school students. It consists of 4 steps: 1. P- Preparation 2. D-Design and Planning 3. A-Activity and Development and 4. R-Reflective and Reward. The teacher is an important person in designing activities. Keep up to date with the latest news and create a fun learning environment. Focus on the students to act. Sharing thoughts and problems. Create a variety of ways to find answers to problems. And lead the success. Enthusiastic This makes the students more satisfied and want to participate in more activities.</p>ปาริชาติ ประเสริฐสังข์
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2019-12-282019-12-2863383395Geographical Indication and Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion: A Comparative Study between European Union Law and Geographical Indication Act, 2013
<p>The European Union; therefore, recognized the importance of providing protection and registration of geographical indications, so there is a development of the legal mechanism for a long time, and it is effective., making the trade of geographic markers become popular towards consumers from both inside and outside the country, and it also generates tremendous revenue for operators in the region. Geographical indications are important tools for products promoting from the small and medium-sized enterprises by guaranteeing special qualifications or having specific characteristics of products occurred from the influence of geographical environment as well as skills, professionals, and local wisdom of people who are living in such geographic area, so such products become famous and popular. Hence, this research article is qualitative research which has the main objective of implementing the EU Geographical Indication Law as a model for developing and improving Thai laws to be comprehensive and effective. Thus, it is for the benefits of promoting small and medium-sized businesses as well as creating national economic stability in the future. Thailand has implemented Geographical Indication Act B.E. 2546 (2003) it should provide the protection both Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) protection as well as Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSG) in order to do not create over conditions and create higher protection for the small and medium-sized enterprises.</p>ชื่นชีวิน ยิ้มเฟืองกมลวรรณ อยู่วัฒนะ
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2019-12-282019-12-2863396411Legal Measures for Supporting Transfer of Development Rights
<p>City Planning Act B.E.2562 is the law that controls the rights of the landowners to use their lands. The control is basically a limitation and is provided by this Act. Normally, the Land Use Control imposed on each land is different based on its potential for supporting infrastructure and environmental density. To reduce the impact of the control on the landowners and also benefit them, the government must provide a compensating measure. For the compensation, the measure that is considered suitable for Bangkok is “Transfer of Development Rights” (TDR). The transfer will benefit the landowners the most as he can develop the land according to his desire and corresponding to the laws at the same time. This research has two main purposes. The first purpose is understanding the concept of transfer of development rights and the laws in other countries about such transfers and the second purpose is laying down the concept for determining the legal measures about supporting the transfers that are suitable for Thailand. The study is done through qualitative research. Additionally, there is currently no laws in Thailand efficiently supporting the transfer of development rights. Thus, it is necessary to add the legal measures for the development rights in the draft of Bangkok Regulation on Master Plan B.E. …. of the measures provided will be the rights to transfer the limit of use to another landowner for the benefit of the landowner who want to expand the use on his land more.</p>สุรศักดิ์ มีบัวรชต สุระเศรณีกุล
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2019-12-282019-12-2863412434Factors of Tourism Identity Determination in Dino Road Walking Street, Sahatsakhan District, Kalasin Province
<p>The Research aim to 1) Study the historical and context of Dino Road Walking Street 2) Analyze factors of tourism in Dino Road 3) Determine the factors of Tourism Identity in Dino Road. This study was a qualitative research which has total number of sampling population was 50including the local 10 government sector, 15 local leaders, 25 local people entrepreneurs. The research instruments used in consisted of documentary research, fieldwork research including Interviews Target Sampling ,Research Area Survey, Observation and group discussion. The data collecting from group discussion were most obtained to analyze in research which tells the situation of Dino Road from past to present. The Result revealed that, 1.Dino Road in past was the habitat, livelihood, 1<sup>st</sup> flourish district market, Supporting place for migration from land expropriated from Lampao Dam was built which was established to new district call as “Sahatsakhan District”. Present day the economic in walking street was dull which makes creating Dino Road as Walking Street. 2. Dino Road located on the center of Sahatsakhan district tourism under supervision of Sahatsakhan Tourism Service Center, surrounding by many tourist attractions and tourist activities as follow 1) Historical Tourist 2) Religion Tourist 3) Agro Tourist as Walking Street itself has various tourists activities such as Walking Street, Local Product shopping, Local food, Folk Plays, Sports and Cultural activities. 3. Tourism Identity factors of Dino Road is to have the Community and Walking Street establishment, Residence Format, Dinosaur, Tradition and Culture following the ideal of Merit district.</p>Praphon NiamsaAraya LanumtiengHassaya SingsriMontana Tongsupon
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2019-12-282019-12-2863435447Guidelines for The Development and Promotion of Community Based – Tourism in Sahatsakan Dino-Road, Sahatsakan District, Kalasin Province
<p>The objectives of this research were to 1) study the potential of tourism resources of Sahatsakhan Dino Road community, Sahatsakhan District, Kalasin Province 2) find out how to develop and promote the tourism industry of Sahatsakhan Dino Road community. The data used in this research was collected from the group discussion. In-depth interview small group discussion and SWOT analyzed to get the true content of community. Then take all the results from every step of the study to analyze the content by triangular comparative study to find the conclusions of the corresponding study as a reliable conclusion in the study and then present the data with descriptive. The true content as the sample collected from all tourism stakeholders who related to the community, both of the representatives of government officers as a policy-makers and the private sector, entrepreneurs and community leaders, people, youth and more part of the community members who lived in the Sahatsakhan Dino road area. Kalasin Province. The research found that the tourism resources of the Sahatsakhan Dino Road community were ready and diversified tourism to present to all the visitors who wanted to learn more about the cultural tourism of the northeast of Thailand or E-searn region. The best activity among several activities in Sahatsakhan was “Saturday-Merit Road” which is located in Dino road. This activity is a representative as a tourism promote for the community Based Tourism in this community is the Saturday morning activity along the road that all people come to offer food to the monk, it has acknowledged a lot of attention and popularity from the tourist or visitor who live in other area and all hosts come. More over to promote tourism for SahatsaKhan Dino Road they also present the variety of activity which came from their daily life that was ever more popular in the past. Besides they also use the old traditional dancing show to all of the visitors to join and dance together that they call "Kong-Ka Dance". This activity would show infront of the tourist in the evening of the day, after that all the host would take care of guest to share the best time to learn and live together in the homestay and to learn a cultural tourism in the real community. According to the research results, the sahatsakhan community has the potential to promote the tourism development into Sahatsakhan Dino Road. Firstly, the local product should be developed to be a well-known meaningless, popular and unique. Secondary, the local guides should be improved in order to be able to development community and distribute in the tourism information of the sahatsakhan to the visitors. If the community follow the suggestions, they will they will be the best practice and get more popular and unique that become sustainable.</p>Poom MunpolsriFungkiat MahiphanMayurada MahiphanKwankhao Poonperm
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2019-12-282019-12-2863448464Effects Of Cooperative Learning STAD Technique And SSCS Model Toward Mathematical Problem Solving Abilities On Pythagorean Theorem Of Mathayomsuksa II Students
<p>The purpose of this research were 1) to compare mathayomsuksa 2 students’ mathematical problem solving abilities on Pythagorean theorem before and after the use of cooperative learning STAD technique and SSCS model 2) to compare mathayomsuksa 2 students’ mathematical problem solving abilities on Pythagorean theorem after the use of cooperative learning STAD technique and SSCS model with criterion of 70 percent. The target group consisted of 21 students in mathayomsuksa 2 during a second semester of the academic year 2018 from Khonkaenwit-tayaserm school, Tha Khantho District, Kalasin Province. The research instruments were 4 mathematic lesson plans using STAD technique with SSCS model and mathematics problem solving abilities test on Pythagorean theorem. The data were statistically analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation and t – test for Dependent Samples and t – test One Samples Test. The results showed that 1) mathayomsuksa 2 students’ mathematical problem solving abilities on Pythagorean theorem after the use of cooperative learning STAD technique and SSCS model had higher than before learning at the .05 level of significance. The students’ pretest and posttest mean scores of mathematical problem solving abilities were 6.43 or 16.07 percent and 34.14 or 85.35 percent respectively. 2) mathayomsuksa 2 students’ mathematical problem solving abilities on Pythagorean theorem after the use of cooperative learning STAD technique and SSCS model had higher than the 70 percent criterion at .05 level of significance. The students’ posttest mean scores of mathematical problem solving abilities was 34.14 or 85.35 percent.</p>แทนไทย ชัยคำภาวรรณธิดา ยลวิลาศเอกวิทย์ ลำพาย
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2019-12-282019-12-2863465482Forms of The Debt Management in Ban Khan Phai Community
<p>The purposes of this research were to study : 1) the debt situation, 2) the causes and factors affecting debt situation, and 3) the problem forms of people in Ban Khan Phai Community. The qualitative research used was review literature collection, and depth interview 100 person, 80 households, and 20 headship of Ban Khan Phai Community. The finding found the relationship between the natural resources condition and the changing of communal environment. Thus, it has the congruence between people in communal adaptation and debt situation under the limited of developmental and capitalism policy condition affecting to living stability. The cause and factors affecting the community's debt of people in Ban Khan Phai Community were high cost of living but low income, and debt situation by materialism and technological value. Finding indicate that the solution pattern of this problem should be based on sufficiency economy philosophy for reduce expenses, increase revenue, and emphasis on self-reliance, and save cost.</p>โสภณ มูลหาประวิชญา ณัฎฐากรกุลทรงเกียรติ ซาตันพรพิมล พิมพ์แก้วปรีชา ทับสมบัติ
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สุชานาถ สิงหาปัด
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