Ratchaphruek Journal 2024-04-04T15:44:48+07:00 ผศ.ดร. สมเกียรติ ทานอก Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Ratchaphruek Journal (วารสารราชพฤกษ์)<br />บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครราชสีมา<br /><br /></strong><strong>ISSN : 3027-7663 (Online) <br /></strong><em>*เผยแพร่รูปแบบวารสารอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ (ออนไลน์) เท่านั้น<br /></em><strong><br /></strong>Ratchaphruek Journal (วารสารราชพฤกษ์) วารสารวิชาการของบัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครราชสีมา จัดทำขึ้นโดยมีวัตถุประสงค์ เพื่อเผยแพร่ผลงานด้านวิชาการ และการวิจัยในรูปของบทความวิชาการหรือบทความวิจัยในสาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ของอาจารย์/ผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ และเปิดโอกาส ให้อาจารย์และนักศึกษาระดับบัณฑิตศึกษาได้แสดงผลงานในระดับบัณฑิตศึกษา โดยได้จัดทำเป็นรูปแบบอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ (Online) เผยแพร่ผ่านเว็บไซต์ ทุกบทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์ในวารสารนี้ ต้องผ่านการตรวจสอบจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิในสาขาที่เกี่ยวข้องกับบทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์ โดยมีการแต่งตั้งผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิเพื่อประเมินบทความอย่างน้อย 2-3 ท่าน ในการพิจารณาบทความ 1 เรื่อง โดยมีรูปแบบการกลั่นกรองบทความก่อนลงตีพิมพ์ (Peer reviews) แบบผู้พิจารณาไม่ทราบชื่อผู้แต่ง และผู้แต่งไม่ทราบชื่อผู้พิจารณา (Double-blind peer review)<br /> *ได้กำหนดขอบเขตสาขาวิชาย่อย (Sub-Subject Area) ของวารสาร แบ่งเป็น 5 สาขาวิชาย่อย ได้แก่ ศิลปะทั่วไปและมนุษยศาสตร์ (General Arts and Humanities) จิตวิทยาพัฒนาการและการศึกษา (Developmental and Educational Psychology) สังคมศาสตร์ทั่วไป (General Social Sciences) การศึกษา (Education) และรัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ (Public Administration)<br /> </p> Scientific Literacy on “DNA Technology” of Upper Secondary School Students 2024-01-03T11:35:28+07:00 Khanarak Kitprasoet Navara Seetee <p>This research aimed 1) to explore scientific literacy of upper secondary school students on DNA technology, both overall and by competency, and 2) to compare scientific literacy between different grade levels using survey research. Samples were 244 grade 10-12 students in the science-mathematics class from a school in Nakhon Pathom province, which was obtained through cluster random sampling. Data was collected using scientific literacy test on DNA technology with a reliability of 0.79. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and One-way ANOVA.</p> <p>The results found that scientific literacy of the most students was at level 2 and below (94.26%), a minority (5.74%) was at levels 3-4, and no students found at levels 5-6 which is the highest level. When considering each competency , it was found student had an average scores of scientific literacy in each competency below 50 percent of the full score. Students grade 11 and 12 had a higher average score of scientific literacy than grade 10 at a statistical significance of .05. However, there was no difference between average score of students’ scientific literacy between grades 11 and 12. These findings suggested that teachers should design and organize learning that focuses more on enhancing scientific literacy for upper secondary school students.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal Social Measures and Their Impact on Crime Management Effectiveness During the COVID-19 Outbreak 2023-10-14T11:41:40+07:00 Chatchai Mahakeeta Apasiri Suwannanon <p>The research on social measures in applying and supporting the effectiveness of crime management during the Covid-19 outbreak had two primary objectives: 1) to study the crime situation during the Covid-19 pandemic, and 2) to create appropriate social measures to support the effectiveness of crime management during this period. This research employed a quantitative approach, utilizing questionnaires as the primary research tool with a sample of 540 individuals from the general public across 6 regions in Thailand. Additionally, group discussions were conducted with representatives from relevant agencies, totaling 12 participants. Statistical analyses included percentage, frequency, and standard deviation.</p> <p>The findings of the research identified cyber-crimes and property crimes as the primary crime problems during the Covid-19 pandemic. Regarding appropriate social measures, the respondents emphasized the importance of parents acting as role models, respecting the law, and actively participating in crime prevention alongside government officials and community leaders.</p> <p>The analysis of research results led to the identification of a model consisting of five key social measures, termed the "5 S social measures." These measures encompassed self-awareness and control in the family and community, social responsiveness with government and local organizations, social justice, social innovation, and sustainability of social measures during times of crisis.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal Factors Affecting Happiness in the Workplace of Staff Members in the Permanent Secretary Office of the Ministry of Justice 2023-10-02T15:38:06+07:00 Choochart Siripunjana Jirasuk Suksawat Nitipat Mekkhachon <p>The study aimed to investigate the levels of positive psychological capital, organizational commitment, perceived organizational support, and workplace happiness among staff members in the Permanent Secretary Office of the Ministry of Justice. Additionally, the objective was to develop a predictive equation for workplace happiness within this context.</p> <p>A sample of 232 staff members from the Permanent Secretary Office was selected using Multi-Stage Sampling. The research utilized four scales with reliability coefficients of .86, .80, .80, and .82 to assess positive psychological capital, organizational commitment, perceived organizational support, and workplace happiness, respectively. Statistical analyses included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, max, min, and multiple regression analysis.</p> <p>Results indicated that the mean rating for workplace happiness was at the highest level, with positive psychological capital, organizational commitment, and perceived organizational support also rated at high levels. Furthermore, perceived organizational support, organizational commitment, and positive psychological capital significantly influenced workplace happiness at the .01 level of statistical significance, explaining 66 percent of the variance. The predictive equation, expressed in standard scores, is represented as follows: <img title="Z{y}'= .48 ZX_{3} + .23ZX_{2} + .21ZX_{1}" src="\fn_cm&amp;space;Z{y}'=&amp;space;.48&amp;space;ZX_{3}&amp;space;+&amp;space;.23ZX_{2}&amp;space;+&amp;space;.21ZX_{1}" width="237" height="17" /></p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal Empowering Teacher Performance in Learning Management: A Model for Private Schools 2023-11-07T15:10:03+07:00 Natrada Kanarak Narech Khantharee Chuankid Masena <p>The objectives of this research are to examine the current conditions and needs for empowering teachers' performance in learning management in private schools and to develop a model for empowering teachers' performance in learning management within private schools. The target group for the study consisted of 332 private school teachers and a panel of 10 experts. The research instruments employed were questionnaires and a model assessment form, and the statistical methods used to analyze the data were mean and standard deviation.</p> <p>The research results revealed that the current conditions for empowering teachers' performance in learning management in private schools are overall at a high level. The need for empowering teachers' performance in learning management in private schools is also overall at a high level. The developed model for empowering teachers' performance in learning management in private schools focuses on four aspects of teacher empowerment: 1) motivation at work, 2) creating an atmosphere and participation in work, 3) empowering and giving freedom to work, and 4) participation in decision-making. This model utilizes the teacher's operational process to manage learning in three aspects: 1) striving to develop learners to their full potential, 2) developing learning management, and 3) acting as a good role model. The model is deemed appropriate, with an overall possibility rating at a high level.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal Assessing the Needs for Developing Dance Classrooms: A Study Using the Learning Community Model for Elementary School Dance Teachers 2023-12-19T13:56:19+07:00 Tiwaporn Akkaamnuai Sureerat Chenpong Chanut Poondej <p>This research article aims to investigate the essential prerequisites for establishing a dance classroom dedicated to Thai performing arts, utilizing the learning community model within the context of primary school dance education. The study comprises two components: 1) a qualitative analysis involving in-depth interviews with ten expert teachers and group discussions with an additional ten dance arts instructors, and 2) a quantitative analysis utilizing a questionnaire distributed to 370 primary school dance teachers specializing in Thai performing arts. Qualitative data underwent content analysis, while quantitative data were assessed using statistical measures, including mean, standard deviation, and the modified Priority Needs Index (PNI).</p> <p>The findings underscore a significant need among dance teachers of Thai performing arts to cultivate classrooms based on the learning community model. Quantitative results indicate that the overall environment and the process of organizing dance in Thai performing arts teaching, with a modified PNI index of 0.37, surpass the critical value of 0.30, signifying an urgent need for development in this domain. Upon closer examination of individual aspects, the modified PNI index ranged between 0.35 and 0.37. The top three priorities identified were the environment and process of organizing dance teaching in Thai performing arts (0.37), the design and creation of educational innovations (0.36), and the management of dance arts classrooms and learning community aspects (0.35), respectively.</p> 2024-03-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal Knowledge Management in the Production and Usage of Bio-based Products for Agriculture: A Case Study of the Organic Community Enterprise 2023-12-25T13:54:26+07:00 Teerasin Kanta Wadsana Charunsrichotikomjorn Angkana Tasena Manliga Thong-em <p>This research aimed to manage knowledge and address challenges while exploring strategies to promote the expansion of production and use of bio-based products among members of the Organic Community Enterprise in Chong Khab Subdistrict, Phop Phra District, Tak Province. The primary sources of information for the study were 20 participants, including administrators and members of the enterprise. Data collection involved group interviews, observation, and content analysis methods were employed.</p> <p>The research findings indicated that 1) the 7 steps of the knowledge management process led to the discovery of knowledge about bioproducts, categorized into three groups: pest control, plant nutrition, and special applications. To enhance member learning, video materials were produced, and a learning center was established. Additionally, knowledge exchange platforms were provided to facilitate the effective utilization of bio-based products. 2) Addressing the challenges and exploring strategies revealed that pre-use challenges were that the members lacked confidence in their effectiveness and had insufficient knowledge about the bioproducts. Post-use challenges were associated with attitudes toward product usage. The members should develop a production and use plan for bio-based products to ensure efficient utilization. Additionally, an application should be arranged and provided to facilitate communication and dissemination of bio-product knowledge.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal Causal Factors in New Normal Instructional Management on Upper Secondary Students’ Achievement of Chiang Rai Province 2023-11-01T09:27:29+07:00 Poramin Arideach <p>This research aimed to study the relationship between causal factors in new normal instructional management and the achievement of upper secondary students in Chiang Rai Province. Additionally, the study sought to examine the consistency between the causal factors model and empirical data gathered from upper secondary teachers in Chiang Rai Province. Moreover, the research aimed to investigate the direct, indirect, and total effects of variables influencing the achievement of upper-secondary students in Chiang Rai Province. The sample group comprised 172 upper secondary teachers from Chiang Rai Province, and the research instrument used was a questionnaire with three parts. Path analysis was employed for data analysis.<br />The research findings are summarized as follows:<br /><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">1. The relationship between causal factors in new normal instructional management and the achievement of upper secondary students in Chiang Rai Province exhibited correlation coefficients ranging from -0.90 to 0.655 among the five variables.<br /></span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">2. The causal factors model aligned well with empirical data, demonstrating an R2 value of 0.58.<br /></span>3. The variable with the highest direct and total effect on the achievement of upper secondary students was the readiness of online technology. Additionally, the attitude towards using online technology in instruction had an indirect effect with statistical significance at the .01 level.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal Digital Quotient of Students at Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University 2024-01-15T16:34:22+07:00 Patchana Suwannasaen <p>The objectives of the study were: 1) To study on digital media using behavior and digital quotient; and 2) To compare digital quotient categorizing by gender, students’ year, faculty, and academic achievement. The samples were 480 students who enrolled in weekday classes at Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University. They were selected by using proportional stratified random sampling technique. The data analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, and One-way ANOVA.</p> <p>The results showed that they often used digital media per day (32.71%), digital media usage time is in the evening most (31.89%). The majority of them used facebook (10.74%), and the purpose of using digital media at a very high frequency were watching movie and listening to music most (29.58%). The results identified that their digital quotient was quite high (<img title="\bar{X}" src="\bar{X}" />= 3.81). There was no significant difference in digital quotient when comparing by gender, and students’ year. However, when comparing in the aspect of their faculty, and academic achievement there were different at the significant level of .05.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal A Study of Learning Achievement on Addition and Subtraction of Numbers up to 20 Learning Unit and Group Working Behaviors of Grade 1 Students using Team-Games-Tournament with Bar Model 2024-01-22T13:21:12+07:00 Yodthida Runmai Wasana Keeratichamroen <p>This research aimed to 1) compare learning achievement before and after learning using Team-Games-Tournament (TGT) with Bar Model, 2) compare learning achievement after learning by using TGT with Bar Model with a criterion of 70 percent, 3) study group working behaviors using TGT with Bar Model. The sample group for this research was 30 students of grade 1 students at Mueang Nakhon Ratchasima School. The research instruments were lesson plans of TGT with Bar Model. The data collection instrument were an achievement test, and group working behaviors test. The data were statistically analyzed by percentage, mean, Standard Deviation, t-test for dependent and t-test for one sample.</p> <p>The research findings showed that: 1) learning achievement after learning was significantly higher than before learning at .05 level, 2) learning achievement was significantly higher than 70% criterion at the .05 level, 3) group working behaviors of grade 1 students using TGT with Bar Model was at a good level.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal Daily Life’s Experience of Visually Impaired Persons 2023-10-30T11:01:30+07:00 Warunyu Kongchaimongkhon Pin Udomcharoenchaikit Poonsub Areekit <p>The objective of this research was to study the daily life experiences of visually impaired individuals in order to gain a better understanding of the characteristics and challenges they encounter in their actual daily living. The research utilized a qualitative research methodology, and the participants providing data are 10 visually impaired individuals who have been diagnosed as having low vision. Data collection were done through in-depth interviews and content analysis. The research findings revealed three main aspects of the daily life of visually impaired individuals: Traveling, Daily living activities, and Awareness of inequality in daily life. The results showed visually impaired individuals were capable of managing their lives to a certain extent. However, it also emphasizes the presence of challenges and limitations in their daily living experiences, both in terms of physical obstacles and the attitudes of the people around them.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal Innovation for Transferring Folk Sports wisdom from Elders in the EEC Area to Computer Games 2023-10-06T09:31:44+07:00 Warakorn Supwirapakorn Tanida Julvanichpong Juthamas Haenjohn <p>This research aimed to create a digital folk sports game from the wisdom transmission of the elderly, conducted in 2 phases. Phase 1 was a focus group discussion with 6 elderly people to select folk sports to create as digital games. Phase 2 was the creation of a digital folk sports game and then given to a sample of 72 general people in the community to try out and evaluate their satisfaction. Data analysis was performed by finding the mean and standard deviation, independent t-test, and one-way ANOVA.</p> <p>The results of the research found that the folk sports that the elderly chose to use in creating digital games were tug-of-war, tie-jub, and saba-lor. The researcher created digital games for the three folk sports and evaluated the suitability of the storyboards, with experts finding that they had a high level of suitability (M = 2.89, S.D. = 0.238). Evaluating the satisfaction of digital folk sport game players found that there was a high level of satisfaction (M = 2.65, S.D. = 0.301), female players were significantly more satisfied than male players at the .05 level, and players in each age group had a non-statistically significant difference in satisfaction.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal Development of Competency-Based Curriculum Based on Experiential Learning Theory to Enhance Local Curriculum Developers Teachers’ Competencies 2023-10-05T09:22:00+07:00 Wilaiphorn Witchayawat <p>This research aimed to: 1) Develop an experiential learning-based competency framework to enhance teachers' abilities as local curriculum developers, and 2) To study the outcomes of using the competency-based experiential learning theory curriculum through a research and development approach. The sample were specifically selected and include 30 teachers, 3 school administrators, and 2 educational supervisors. Tools used in the research were frameworks, instructional materials, tests, competency assessments, and questionnaires. Data were analyzed by content analysis, mean values, and standard deviations.</p> <p>Results revealed that: The experiential learning-based competency framework consisted of 8 components. The framework emphasized competencies in three areas, and the capacity to evaluate curricula and use assessment outcomes for curriculum development. This framework consists of 6 learning units and is rated as highly suitable. Regarding to the curriculum's application were from the post-development, teachers' test scores measuring knowledge and understanding of local curriculum development were significantly higher compared to pre-development scores. Teachers exhibit a high level of competence in developing and utilizing local curricula.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal Digital Intelligence of Undergraduate Students 2023-12-18T13:17:56+07:00 Sahaphat Satapaniganone Sirichan Sathirakul Tachaphahapong Pateep Methakunavudhi <p>This research aimed to measure the digital intelligence of undergraduate students and compare it based on their gender, major, and Grade Point Average (GPA). Sample were 402 undergraduate students from autonomous universities in all four regions of the country using the Two-Stage Random Sampling method. The research instruments included digital intelligence tests for under-graduates, and the data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean (M), and standard deviation (S.D.). Differences were compared using a t-test along with a one-way ANOVA test.</p> <p>The findings indicate that overall, undergraduate students have good levels of digital intelligence. When examining specific aspects, it was observed that: 1) Digital Safety is at a good level, 2) Digital Emotion is good, 3) Digital Awareness and Participation are at a good level, and 4) Digital Literacy is at a very good level. When comparing digital intelligence based on gender, major, and Grade Point Average (GPA), no statistically significant differences were found at the .05 significance level.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal Research and Development Programs to Enhance Problem-Solving Ability for 5-Years-Old Children 2023-09-18T10:10:03+07:00 supa bamrunguea Piyatida Panya Paisarn Worakham <p>This research and development study aimed to: 1) Develop the program; and 2) Study the results of using a program to promote problem-solving abilities for 5-years-old children, who are 13 3<sup>rd</sup>-year kindergarten students, the 2<sup>nd</sup> semester, academic year 2022 at Ban Peluay School (Kurusanwittaya) Roi Et Province, by random sampling method. The research tools were a problem-solving ability assessment, 10 situations of a problem-solving ability assessment, and 96 items of a program evaluation form. Statistics used were mean, standard deviation, and percentage.</p> <p>The results of the research found that: The developed program contains 6 components, and the activity organizing process has 5 steps. The program’s quality of suitability which was at the high level, and the possibility is at the highest level. The results were also found that the problem-solving ability of kindergarten 3 students was outstanding, and the results of the program evaluation are accurate and useful at the highest level.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal Needs of Urban Community Welfare for the Elderly to Sustainable Development in An Active Ageing Society: Case Study of Flat Sirisat Keha Sriyan Community in Dusit District, Bangkok and Talad Noi Community in Samphantawong District, Bangkok 2023-12-12T15:53:46+07:00 Saen Keeratinawanun Siriya Rattanachuay <p>The objectives of this qualitative research article were: 1) To study the needs of the elderly according to urban community welfare; 2) To study the model of the urban community welfare for the elderly, which is appropriate to the context of the potential aging society in urban communities; and 3) To study mechanisms and processes in managing urban community welfare for the elderly, leading to a potential and sustainable aging society. This research is qualitative, and has 2 main groups of informants: 1) a group of leaders of both communities were 12 people. 2) a group of the elderly in both communities were 28 people, totaling 40 people. The research too[s were studying documents, observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group.</p> <p>The results of this research found that: 1) The needs of the elderly regarding urban community welfare for the elderly consist of the needs of public health, Physical and Mental health, Recreation, Environment and Infrastructure, and Financial and Income. 2) Four models of urban community welfare for the elderly were Public health, Recreation, Trade and Income, Environment, and Infrastructure. 3) Mechanisms and processes in managing urban community welfare for the elderly that the case studies of both communities use altogether such as Community activities on the important days, community and volunteer leaders, and The Network of relationships both inside and outside the community.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ratchaphruek Journal