
  • Pholkris Phaisanwanichkul คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม วิทยาเขตชลบุรี


investment trade, ASEAN Economic Community


         Vietnam is considered one of the fastest-growing economies. With industrial development, agriculture, infrastructure, investment trade, including business expansion in the country and abroad. It is a country that is very interesting to look at today. Including in the ASEAN Economic Community. Which many natural and environmental resources in the country still exist Suitable for national development It can be seen that the gross domestic product in 2017 grew to $ 217.8 billion grew by 6.2 percent per year compared to 2016

        Thailand and Vietnam are considered business partners for a long time. It can be seen that the top 3 export products of Vietnam, mobile phones and parts, textiles and garments, computers and three products imported machinery Tools and computer equipment electronics. Relevant products that Thailand exports to Vietnam, such as fresh, chilled, frozen, and dried fruits, cars, equipment, and plastic pellets components along with others. Furthermore, essential products imported from Vietnam, such as home appliances, crude oil, electrical machinery, and components.

        Thai-Vietnamese cooperation considered a similar country with various agreements such as the agreement on the establishment of the Joint Commission on Thai-Vietnam Economic Cooperation, agreement on the promotion and protection of investment, agreement on the exemption of Tax Treaties, agreement on the exemption of cross-examination for holders of diplomatic and official passports And facilitating the signing of a passport for ordinary passports, and others.

Determining the development direction of Vietnam to focus on the CLMV market as the same market as Thailand. Aimed at enhancing the linkage between trade, investment, and tourism between Thailand and CLMV and economic development in the central city and promoting business in the secondary city, having developed in one direction to catch up with all aspects of the country.

Author Biography

Pholkris Phaisanwanichkul, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม วิทยาเขตชลบุรี

สาขาวิชาการตลาด คณะบริหารธุรกิจ


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