academic achievement (GPA), IQ, CQ, EQ, SQ, AQ, MQ, Suan Anan School.Abstract
The objectives of this research were to examine the relationship between academic achievement and IQ, CQ, EQ, SQ, AQ and MQ scores of secondary school students, analyze the psychological factors that affect students’ GPA and expect for predictions, and investigate the quality variables that make students successful in their studies. The method was a quantitative and qualitative study. The population was the 349 secondary school students of Suan Anan School in the second semester of the academic year 2016. The sample number was 157 students, randomly mathayom 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Number 30, 36, 37, 31, 12 and 11 people were in stratified unequal proportions. Tools have six sets: 1) IQ test, 2) CQ test, 3) EQ test, 4) SQ test, 5) AQ test, and 6) MQ test. Moreover, there were set a focus group to study qualitative variables that make students successful in their studies. In the first and second semester, the results showed that GPA was related to IQ, EQ, and AQ. In the first semester, the factors that predicted were IQ and the second semester, The factors that predicted were IQ and AQ. In the qualitative study, it was found that success in learning consists of IQ, AQ, active learning methods, setting up a clinic to treat students who did not understand mathematics and science, and pay more attention to studying in class.
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บทความทุกบทความเป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของวารสารวิชาการศรีปทุม ชลบุรี