
  • Thanyarat Kaewtapan โรงเรียนสีคิ้ว “สวัสดิ์ผดุงวิทยา”


learning management model, promoting desirable characteristics, 8th-grade learners.



The purposes of this research were; 1) to study the state of the development of a learning management model in the learning content, religion, morality, and ethics promoting the desirable characteristics for the 8th-grade learners; 2) to develop and find the efficiency of the learning management model, learning content, religion, morality, and ethics that promote desirable characteristics for 8th-grade learners; 3) to compare the learning achievement before and after learning of learners with the learning content, religion, morality, and ethics promoting the desirable characteristics using the EACDE Model; 4) to compare the desirable characteristics of learners by learning contents, religion, morality, and ethics promoting the desirable characteristics using EACDE Model; and 5) to study learners’ satisfaction with the learning management, learning content, religion, morality, and ethics that promoted the desirable characteristics for the 8th-grade learners. The samples were 30 students who were studying in 8th-grade level, class 2/12 of Sikhiu “Sawadphadungwittaya” School. The research instruments were the lesson plan, achievement test, the characteristics development test and the questionnaires. The statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test.

The result for the study indicated that the development of a learning management model in the learning content, religion, morality, and ethics promoting the desirable characteristics for the 8th-grade learners, which is a learning process that promotes five desirable features including step 1 the encouragement, step 2 the action, step 3 the conceptualization, step 4 the development of characteristics, and step 5 the evaluation. The efficiency of 8th graders was 82.67/81.58, respectively. The learners have progressed in their studies with higher learning achievement after learning than before with statistical significance at the level of .01. The learners have higher the desirable characteristics of learners after learning than before with statistical significance at the level of .01, and the students were satisfied with the results, found that the development of a learning management Model in the learning content, religion, morality, and ethics promoting the desirable characteristics for the 8th-grade learners at the highest level. 

Author Biography

Thanyarat Kaewtapan, โรงเรียนสีคิ้ว “สวัสดิ์ผดุงวิทยา”

โรงเรียนสีคิ้ว “สวัสดิ์ผดุงวิทยา”


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