
  • Vicharinee Sawasdee Department of Information System, Faculty of Social Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok


development of the website, stingless bee


The purpose of this research was to develop a website for disseminating information on culturing stingless bees and processing their products, on behalf of a group of stingless bee growers in Chanthaburi province. Design and development of the website followed principles of website development life cycle, using Artisteer software for the design and using WordPress for the website content management system. Infographic and multimedia techniques were applied also for this development.  The website effectiveness was then evaluated by 3 content and technology experts. The users' satisfaction toward this developed website was subsequently assessed by 30 members from the local community of stingless bee culturists, in Chanthaburi province. Tools were the developed website, the quality assessment forms, and satisfaction questionnaires. The research statistics used were the percentage, mean and standard deviation.  The website effectiveness results showed that its functionality met the users’ needs and easy to use, to the high levels. The users’ satisfaction toward the systems stability and design was, in high regard. As well, the knowledge benefit from this application was of the highest levels. This findings suggest that web interface knowledge for culturing stingless bees, by applying infographic and multimedia techniques, allows users to gain effective access to the knowledge and can be used to build further careers for farmers interested in beekeeping.

Author Biography

Vicharinee Sawasdee, Department of Information System, Faculty of Social Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok

Department of Information System, Faculty of Social Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok


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