
  • Onpawee Koonpornpen Aviation Business Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Panyapiwat Institute of Management


differentiated instruction, student-centered learning


            The purpose of this article are to study the concept and model of Differentiated Instruction (DI) Nowadays, the world today is changing and developing in many ways rapidly and all the time, whether it is technology, lifestyle, and environment, etc. Therefore, people do not have to wait for things like in the past because we can access various knowledge by yourself easily at anytime and anywhere. In addition, various changes also allow people to express themselves in a clear and diverse way. Also, it affects instructional system that needs to be developed in response to student-centered learning. Differentiated Instruction (DI) is another method that has been adopted and recognized for responding well to the needs of different learners in a class. New Zealand is regarded as one of the best education in the world which has applied DI effectively and efficiently. Thailand has started to adopt this learning and teaching management but it is not widely used. Therefore, it is a challenge to Thai teachers to start planning and implementing DI in order to develop learners’ skills and knowledge to meet their needs, interests, and the achievement they expected.

Author Biography

Onpawee Koonpornpen, Aviation Business Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Panyapiwat Institute of Management

Aviation Business Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Panyapiwat Institute of Management


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