
  • Patinya Ratbumrung Master of Management Program, (Aviation Management), Civil Aviation Training Center
  • Kongsak Chomchum Aircraft Maintenance Training Division, Civil Aviation Training Center
  • Apirada Namsang Aeronautical Engineering Division, Civil Aviation Training Center


People with Disabilities, Employment, Low-Cost Airlines


            This qualitative case study research aimed to study the situation of employing people with disabilities and the guidelines in employing those people in a low-cost airline business. In-depth interview was used to gather data from 5 key informants, selected by purposive sampling. Semi-structured interview, voice recorder and filed note were used to collect data which were then qualitatively analyzed with content analysis. The results showed 5 key issues, as follows: 1) current situation about hiring people with disabilities of low-cost airline, 2) problem and need of people with disabilities, 3) appropriate job with disabilities people, 4) guidelines for the development of the employment process for people with disabilities in airlines business, and 5) the need of airlines business to employ people with disabilities. The findings of this study could be used to develop the capacity of the people with disabilities and prepare them to match with the employment needs, as well as to create policy recommendations for airlines business in hiring people with disabilities. It would also be beneficial to future studies regarding people with disabilities in the low-cost airline business.

Author Biographies

Patinya Ratbumrung, Master of Management Program, (Aviation Management), Civil Aviation Training Center

Student, Master of Management Program, (Aviation Management), Civil Aviation Training Center, Academic Year 2022

Kongsak Chomchum, Aircraft Maintenance Training Division, Civil Aviation Training Center

Lecturer, Aircraft Maintenance Training Division, Civil Aviation Training Center

Apirada Namsang, Aeronautical Engineering Division, Civil Aviation Training Center

Lecturer, Aeronautical Engineering Division, Civil Aviation Training Center


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