COMMUNICATION REVIEW2024-12-13T14:30:32+07:00รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.ศิริชัย ศิริกายะcom2@siam.eduOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>วัตถุประสงค์ของการจัดพิมพ์วารสาร</strong></p> <p><strong>วารสารนิเทศสยามปริทัศน์</strong> เป็นวารสารวิชาการสาขานิเทศศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ ของคณะนิเทศศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยสยาม </p> <p>จัดทำเป็นวารสารราย 6 เดือน (ปีละ 2 ฉบับ) ได้แก่ ฉบับที่ 1 มกราคม – มิถุนายน และ ฉบับที่ 2 กรกฎาคม–ธันวาคม</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>โดยมีวัตถุประสงค์</strong> <strong>ดังนี้</strong></p> <ol> <li>เป็นแหล่งเผยแพร่ผลงานทางด้านวิชาการในรูปแบบบทความวิจัยบทความวิชาการ บทปริทัศน์หนังสือ (Book Review) และประเด็นปัจจุบันที่ทำการศึกษาซึ่งเกี่ยวข้องกับการสื่อสารของมนุษย์ในทุกลักษณะ ตั้งแต่การสื่อสารภายในบุคคลและระหว่างบุคคล การสื่อสารสาธารณะ และการสื่อสารมวลชนไปจนถึงการสื่อสารในระยะไกล ขอบข่ายของบทความครอบคลุมกิจกรรมการสื่อสารทุกรูปแบบ อาทิเช่น การหนังสือพิมพ์และสิ่งพิมพ์ การโฆษณา การประชาสัมพันธ์ สื่อดิจิทัล วิทยุ โทรทัศน์ ภาพยนตร์ การสื่อสารการแสดง การสื่อสารการตลาด รวมทั้งสาขาวิชาอื่น ๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้องทางด้านนิเทศศาสตร์ และงานวิจัยหรืองานวิชาการที่เป็นประโยชน์ต่อสังคม</li> <li>เพื่อเป็นสื่อกลางแลกเปลี่ยนข่าวสาร สาระสำคัญ ประสบการณ์แก่นักวิจัย นักวิชาการ นิสิต นักศึกษาและบุคคลทั่วไปที่สนใจ</li> </ol> <p> </p> <p><strong>นโยบายการจัดพิมพ์ของวารสาร</strong></p> <ol> <li>ประเภทของบทความที่นำเสนอเพื่อตีพิมพ์ ต้องเป็นบทความวิชาการ บทความวิจัย บทความปริทรรศน์ หรือบทวิจารณ์หนังสือซึ่งอาจเขียนได้ทั้งภาษาไทยและภาษาอังกฤษ</li> <li>บทความต้องไม่เคยตีพิมพ์เผยแพร่ที่ใดมาก่อน (Redundant publication) และผู้เขียนบทความต้องไม่ละเมิด(Plagiarism) รวมถึงไม่ลอกเลียนผลงานตนเองโดยมิชอบ (Self Plagiarism) และไม่ส่งบทความตีพิมพ์มากกว่าหนึ่งวารสาร (Simultaneous submission) ทั้งนี้หากเกิดการฟ้องร้องเรื่องการละเมิดลิขสิทธิ์เกี่ยวกับเนื้อหา และข้อมูลส่วนใดส่วนหนึ่งที่ปรากฏในบทความ ถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้แต่งและผู้แต่งร่วมแต่เพียงฝ่ายเดียว<strong>หากพบว่าผู้เขียนส่งหรือตีพิมพ์บทความในที่อื่น ๆ กองบรรณาธิการถือว่าเป็นการกระทำคัดลอกผลงานตนเอง (</strong><strong>Self Plagiarism) ซึ่งกองบรรณาธิการจะระงับการตีพิมพ์และแจ้งต้นสังกัดของผู้เขียนต่อไป</strong></li> <li>บทความที่ตีพิมพ์/เผยแพร่ทุกบทความในวารสารนิเทศสยามปริทัศน์ต้องผ่านการพิจารณาดังนี้ 1. กองบรรณาธิการ และ 2.ผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ (peer review) อย่างน้อย 2 ท่านต่อบทความ <strong><u>และตั้งแต่เล่มปีที่ </u></strong><strong><u>21 ฉบับที่ 1 ประจำปี 2565 เป็นต้นไป เพิ่มผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ (peer review) อย่างน้อย 3 ท่านต่อบทความ </u></strong>โดยผู้พิจารณาทราบชื่อผู้แต่ง แต่ผู้แต่งไม่ทราบชื่อผู้พิจารณา (Single-blind peer review) </li> </ol> of Thai Elderly’s Death Preparation2024-04-29T14:16:17+07:00Somrak Jeamteerasakulsomrakjeam@gmail.comJirayudth<p>The purpose of this research was to study communication of death preparation conveyed by Thai elderly, how elderly give meaning to their death, and communicative behavior for elderly’s death preparation. Data was collected via qualitative research method, namely structured and open ended interviews with 18 elderly case studies. Research results indicated that meanings of death gave by Thai elderly can be divided into 5 meanings: not being alive, transferring of the mind, transcending to another plain according to God’s will, a new journey or rebirth, and an act of separating or being separated from the present. Four main factors influencing elderly’s death preparation are individual, religions, socio-cultural and socio-economic status. Media and channel of elderly’s death preparation are personal media, specific media, cultural media, artifact media and social media.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW Landscape of Data Privacy Governance of Social Media in Thailand2024-11-27T11:14:44+07:00Aornthanatt<p>This qualitative research aims to describe the landscape of personal data governance in social media. Using Lessig's (2006) internet regulatory framework that discusses four mechanisms: technological codes, markets, laws, and social norms. To explore the roles and responsibilities of various sectors that use these mechanisms, namely the media technology sector, the market sector, the government sector, and civil society and the public. The research method is analysis of related documents in the fields of information technology, law, online media, online marketing communication with related electronic documents, such as privacy policies or data policies of social media and marketing companies.</p> <p>The research results found that for more than 2 decades of development of the governance of personal data in social media, there have been three eras of dynamic changes from 2000-2023: 1. Governance as Social Media (2000-2006). Social media technology is primarily related to the public sector as a communication channel. User information is stored. But it has not yet been given to a third party. Social media can fully develop their technology to collect and use data without government oversight. 2. Governance as Social Commerce Platform (2007-2017) Social media has developed into a platform for advertising. which has a business model that uses collected user data to generate income and has been highly successful. Data governance mode is self-regulation according to the self-regulation guidelines of the advertising industry. 3. Governance as Social Institution (2018-2023) Social media is an established business organization which has a great influence on society. Facing the huge problem of privacy violations, the government developed the data protection law such as the GDPR of European Union that affect the enactment of Thailand's PDPA law.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Training for Actors According to Kristin Linklater’s Voice Technique for Application in Performance : a Case St Solo Performance of the Human Voice Play 2024-03-20T12:11:14+07:00jarusri<p>This research examines the application of Kristin Linklater’s natural voice technique to enhance a solo performance in the play <em>The Human Voice</em>. The researcher initially encountered difficulties in conveying the character's inner truth through vocal expression, which affected the emotional depth of the performance and limited audience engagement. The researcher interested in studying this technique, which helps actors discover a free and natural use of their voice. This leads to more subtle, profound, and sincere communication of the character’s inner truth. The researcher applied this technique during vocal exercises to develop and prepare the voice before rehearsals and performances, including script rehearsals and preparations prior to the actual performance.</p> <p>The researcher found that after practicing voice using Kristin Linklater’s Freeing The Natural Voice technique, the researcher was able to effectively overcome the obstacles that hindered the connection between the voice and the character’s inner emotions. The researcher was able to convey the character’s inner truth more deeply and sincerely. Additionally, the researcher discovered that this technique also developed other acting skills, such as body movement, imagination, and sensory awareness, which contributed to overall acting improvement. Data collection and analysis were conducted through a combination of theoretical research, documentation and video recordings of rehearsals, audience questionnaires, and seminars with voice experts.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW Study of Uta Hagen’s Sense Memory and Jerzy Grotowski’s Physical Approach to Acting: A Case Study for Death and the Maiden2024-05-12T00:23:36+07:00Kulasatee<p>This research article is to study Uta Hagen’s Sense Memory and Jerzy Grotowski’s Physical Approach to Acting: A Case Study for Death and the Maiden. The purposes are to study, research and apply to improve actor’s skills consist of imagination skill and skill to express by using physical while acting as Paulina in Death and the Maiden. This research was divided into 2 phases: 1) study, research and compile Uta Hagen’s Sense Memory and Jerzy Grotowski’s Physical Approach to Acting to apply into rehearsal duration and also analyze play “Death and the Maiden” and analyze “Paulina” character 2) performed 2 rounds and interview acting’s experts, director, actors and apply with questionnaire of general audience to analyze the result.</p> <p>The result of this research revealed that Uta Hagen’s Sense Memory and Jerzy Grotowski’s Physical Approach to Acting can improve actor to create sense memory stably and can feel 5 senses that appear in play while acting even it is not true. Moreover, actor can feel free with every part of body and muscle while acting.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW Development of a Video Content Series for Public Relations the Travel Show Joy's Day on Instagram2024-11-27T21:13:25+07:00Kuntida<p>This research aimed to 1) develop a video content series for public relations the travel show Joy's Day on Instagram of Munwork Production Co., Ltd., 2) evaluate the quality of the video content developed, 3) assess the perception of the sample group towards the video content developed, and 4) evaluate the satisfaction of the sample group with the video content series developed. The tools used in this research were 1) a video content series for public relations the travel show Joy's Day on Instagram, 2) an evaluation form for the quality of the video content series for public relations the travel show Joy's Day on Instagram, 3) an evaluation form for the perception of the sample group towards the video content series for public relations the travel show "Joy's Day" on Instagram, and 4) an evaluation form for the satisfaction of the sample group with the video content series for public relations the travel show Joy's Day on Instagram. The sample group used in this study selected by simple random sampling from followers of munworkproductions Instagram who have watched the video content series for public relations the travel show Joy's Day and are willing to respond to the questionnaire, totaling 50 people. The development results found that three video content clips were developed for public relations the travel show "Joy's Day" and were assessed by experts. The experts' evaluation results showed that the content quality was at a good level (<img id="output" src="\large%20\dpi{110}\chi" alt="equation" /> = 4.50, S.D. = 0.44), the presentation media quality was at a very good level ( <img id="output" src="\large%20\dpi{110}\chi" alt="equation" />= 4.73, S.D. = 0.40), the sample group's perception was at the highest level (<img id="output" src="\large%20\dpi{110}\chi" alt="equation" />= 4.90, S.D. = 0.30), and the sample group's satisfaction was at the highest level (<img id="output" src="\large%20\dpi{110}\chi" alt="equation" />= 4.88, S.D. = 0.32). Therefore, the developed video content series for public relations the travel show Joy's Day on Instagram of Munwork Production Co., Ltd. could be used practically.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Knowledge of Underwater Virtual Reality Photography: Factors Affecting the Quality of Underwater Virtual Reality Images2024-11-27T21:28:18+07:00Kittithat<p>This research aimed to study the factors affecting the quality of underwater virtual reality (UWVR) images. A field trial was conducted to examine the impact of various factors on image quality. The independent variables included light, visibility, depth, equipment, and techniques, while the dependent variable was the image quality. The controlled variables were location and time. The results revealed three main factors influencing the quality of both still and moving UWVR images: technical factors (type and quality of VR camera, dome type and quality, accessories, camera settings, lighting, focus, and composition), environmental factors (water turbidity, currents, sunlight, and marine life), and the photographer's skills and experience (photography experience, knowledge of underwater photography equipment and techniques, and knowledge of VR technology).</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Digital Content Marketing Strategies Through Social Media of Mubankru Technological College Bangkok2024-05-24T13:16:03+07:00Noppon Ritta-apinancz06.bsn@gmail.comPatama<p>This study is a study of content marketing strategies through social media at Mubankru Technological College Bangkok. Through the use of tools with interviews with content creators. Analysis of statistics from short series video content using YouTube Studio and Meta Business Suit tools and a population survey tool for a total of 110 people living in the college's area. This study has two goals: 1) to study the content marketing strategy of Mubankru Technological College Bangkok Through social media and 2) To study the lifestyle, media use, and social media usage behavior of students at Mubankru Technological College Bangkok.</p> <p>The findings of the study revealed that the content marketing strategy used comprised of defining objectives, defining target audiences, understanding customer journey, knowing communication platforms, and analyzing and adjusting. Also, from the study of interview analysis results of video content statistics and data from a population survey of 110 people reveal that the insights gained from the analysis are invaluable in improving the effectiveness of video content and distribution platforms. YouTube and Facebook Fanpage. In the sample video content section, there are 4 formats: 1) multi-episode series 2) single-episode series 3) series that has the highest number of views on the Facebook Fanpage channel 4) series that has the highest number of views on the YouTube channel, results from analysis of platforms, digital marketing communication channels, and video content formats Short series content is the most effective communication channel for distributing short series video content of Mubankru Technological College Bangkok is a YouTube channel and has higher views and interactions than the Facebook Fanpage channel. The most effective type of video content is single-episode content that references stories from real life. student Inserting the teaching and learning atmosphere within the college is the most important factor in meeting the needs of the audience.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW the Skill of Using Imagination, Focus and body for a Solo Performance Actor: a Cace Study of “INSOMNIA” 2024-11-29T21:18:47+07:00Boontida Chunsit Boontida.chun@gmail.comDangkamon Na Pombejra<p>This research aims to use tools actors with essential skills in imagination, concentration, and physical engagement to enhance the realism and credibility of each character portrayed. The focus is on the solo performance "Insomnia" by Nikorn Saetang, where the actor must embody multiple characters and scenarios, and also engage directly with the audience. This study employs acting training processes and integrates concepts from key theatrical theorists: Constantin Stanislavski, Stella Adler, and Michael Chekhov. The research hypothesis posits that systematic acting training can significantly aid actors in realistically and credibly portraying various characters in different situations. The methodology includes analyzing the impact of these training exercises through video recordings and rehearsals with a director, evaluations by academic advisors, feedback collection from audience surveys, and discussions with experts post-performance. The findings suggest that consistent and focused practice enhances the actor's belief in their character's situation, reduces anxiety, and increases the freedom to embody the character during performances.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 State: the Creation of Devised Thetre for Enhancing Self-Confidence and Self Esteem 2024-11-29T21:34:18+07:00Worached<p>This research article is a part of the thesis The creation of devised theatre for enhancing self-confidence and self esteem: A case study of mermaid in literature and media This research aims to study mermaid This research aims to study mermaid characters, their needs, obstacles, and decision-making in different contexts. Compare one's mental state with that of other people in society. In addition, to study the process of creating collaborative theater works (Devised theater), interpreting and creating work together in creating plays developed from mermaid characters in various contexts, leading to the development of confidence and appreciation in oneself, The research used practice as the research model and the collaborative theater creation model (Devising theater) as the process for this study. The research results found that the story of the mermaid character can be compared to everyone's mental state. Because the needs, obstacles, and decisions of a mermaid character are no different from the needs, obstacles, and decisions of a mermaid character. More than that, there are obstacles that one must encounter as well.</p> <p>From the co-creation system, the researcher further discovered that working in this space of performance becomes a creative space. From the interpretation of literature and media in many dimensions that developed mermaid characters in a different context outside the framework of the original culture, open democracy. It makes everyone participate and develop their abilities through learning their own identities through characters. This process focuses on respecting the differences, opinions, attitudes, experiences, and abilities of every participant in the process. In addition, encouragement from yourself and those around you is important in helping build confidence and self-worth. The process of creating this collaborative drama can be applied to other interesting issues, including various social issues, to develop good learning in the future.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Public Relations Media Through Augmented Reality Technology on Smartphones of the Master of Communication Arts Program in Innovative Communication Administration, Kasem Bundit University2024-11-29T21:42:49+07:00Soontonrapoj<p>The objectives of this research study are to 1) design and develop a augmented reality technology application via smartphones to promote the Master of Communication Arts Program in Innovative Communication Administration, Kasem Bundit University 2) Evaluate the quality of augmented reality technology applications via smartphone which developed and 3) assess satisfaction with the developed augmented reality technology application through smartphone which developed. The sample group used in this study consisted of 6 experts and 30 students using purposive sampling. The tool used was a augmented reality technology application via smartphone to promote the Master of Communication Arts Program in Innovative Communication Administration, efficiency evaluation form and satisfaction evaluation form. Statistics used include mean and standard deviation.</p> <p>The research results found that the results of evaluating the efficiency of augmented reality technology applications via smartphones by experts has an average of 4.56, at the highest level. And the results of the evaluation of students' satisfaction with augmented reality technology applications via smartphones had an average of 4.27, which is at a high level.</p> <p>Therefore, it can be concluded that the developed augmented reality technology application via smartphone, is appropriate to use to promote the Master of Communication Arts Program in Innovative Communication Administration, Kasem Bundit University.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 for improving YouTube channel efficiency with YouTube Studio tools: YouTube channel case study: BAR BE KARN2024-04-22T10:57:01+07:00chachawan sanitvorapoj chachawan.sani@bumail.netPatama<p>This study focused on improving the performance of a YouTube channel, known as “BAR BE KARN”. Its objectives were to optimize the visibility and popularity of this YouTube channel through the use of various tools and strategies available on YouTube Studio (Effective reach ads (bumper ad Skippable in-stream ads or use a combination of multiple formats), Google Ads ads (Google keywords), non-skippable stream ads and frequency format ads) This study, specifically, comprised three main targets of studying YouTube tools and strategies, evaluating these tools and strategies, and developing such tools and strategies. In other words, it aimed at studying various tools and strategies available on YouTube Studio that provided the best performance 1) in order to enhance the performance of the BAR BE KARN YouTube channel, 2) evaluate audience metrics and engagements in this sampled YouTube channel, and 3) propose directions to improve this sampled YouTube channel’s performance and performance. Repeatedly, the BAR BE KARN YouTube channel was employed as this study’s case study and the tools and strategies available on YouTube Studio were analyzed. </p> <p>From studying the BAR BE KARN YouTube channel and YouTube Studio analytics, the findings revealed that the insights received from the analytics were highly valuable for improving the YouTube channel performance. All of the four ad formats were effective in increasing the number of views. Google Ads (Google Keywords), also known as search ads provided the most effective performance. It was followed by Bumper Ads, Skippable Ads, and In-Stream Ads). The directions for improving the YouTube channel’s performance were that various tools and strategies including TrueView, In-Stream Ads, Bumper Ads, and the like should be used because these types of formats could help segment and define target audiences and optimize visibility. Also, video optimization could be generated by using relevant keywords by putting these keywords in video titles, descriptions, and tags so that videos could appear in search results. And, the most important factor in getting more views was to create high-quality, engaging content responding to viewers’ needs. </p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW Design to Enhance Income for Tao De Xin Si Elderly Club Samae Dam Subdistrict, Bang Khun Thian District, Bangkok2024-12-02T21:02:23+07:00Suthawan<p>This creative research article aims to: (1) To integrate knowledge of communication arts into academic services in designing products to promote the vitality of the Tao De Xin Si Elderly Club to generate enhance income from community capital by studying and collecting community capital data and wisdom that can be used to create and add value to community products based on the lifestyle of the elderly. (2) Find cultural identity from community capital that can be applied to develop new products, support community development, develop areas to promote local wisdom products, promote the potential of local communities, leading to the creation of a stable social foundation. And (3) To create learning, collaboration, develop cooperation between Siam University, the community and coordinate with all relevant agencies and promote self-reliance from community development and generate income from selling products of Tao De Xin Si Elderly Club. In addition, the study of community product development processes is being conducted to expand sales and marketing opportunities.</p> <p>Researchers found that embroidery of the Mon shoulder cloth also provides a guideline for further development of the knowledge of Mon shoulder cloth embroidery to be used in creating other products as can be seen from the large number of entrepreneur groups. The product developed for creative research is the Siam-Raman Bag. That should refer the products come from community capital and can add value, have guarantees, have a unique identity, and emphasize stories and ways of life, which will promote the strength of the elderly in the Tao Te Xin Xi Club to be stronger and bring more income to the elderly. The results of the evaluation of satisfaction with the results of the "Raman-Siam" bag product were most satisfactory (average = 4.26). It was found that the level of satisfaction in the issue of suitability of style/shape was most satisfactory, with an average score of 4.56. Next was the issue of suitability of utility, which was most satisfactory, with an average score of 4.44. And third was the issue of suitability of pattern/color, which was most satisfactory, with an average score of 4.32, respectively.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Development of a Digital Content Set on the Online Platform for Public Relations A Television Series “Emergency Couple”2024-11-30T21:55:46+07:00Pornpapatsorn<p>The purposes of this research were 1) To develop a digital content set on the online platform for public relations a television series “Emergency Couple” by True Digital Group 2) To evaluate the quality of digital content developed 3) To evaluate the perception of the sample group , and 4) To assess the satisfaction of the sample group towards a digital content on the online platform for public relations a television series “Emergency Couple”. The tools used in the research were 1) A set of digital content on the online platform for public relations a television series “Emergency Couple” 2) Quality assessment form 3) Sample perception assessment 4) Satisfaction assessment form of the sample group. The sample group used in this study included people who liked the Tiktok channel “TrueID”, which was obtained from simple random sampling, who were willing and voluntary to cooperate as volunteers for the sample of 50 people. The research results had developed a set of digital content on the online platform for public relations a television series "Emergency Couple" by True Digital Group. This included a total of 3 sets of infographic album posts and 20 short video clips. The results of which were evaluated by experts found that the content quality assessment result was at a very good level (<img src=""> = 4.79, SD = 0.41). The presentation media quality assessment result was at a very good level (<img src=""> = 4.75, SD = 0.44). The perception of the sample group was at the highest level (<img src=""> = 4.61, SD = 0.60) . And the satisfaction evaluation result of the sample group was at the highest level (<img src=""> = 4.72, SD = 0.49). Therefore, the digital content on the online platform for public relations a television series “Emergency Couple” developed could be used practically.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 the Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Communications Influencing Engagement and Awareness through Google Ads: A Case Study of Krua Muang Trang Restaurant2024-11-30T22:15:04+07:00Nattagarn<p>Evaluating the Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Communications Influencing Engagement and Awareness through Google Ads: A Case Study of Krua Muang Trang Restaurant aims to examine the effectiveness of digital marketing communication measurement through Google Ads for a restaurant in Trang City. The study will assess the impact of advertising campaigns on the online platform in creating awareness and engagement among the target audience. Additionally, it aims to understand consumer preferences for creating advertising campaigns via the Google Ads platform that can be tailored appropriately for the brand to be memorable. First, to study the effectiveness of digital marketing communication on the Google Ads platform. Second, to study and experiment with the results of advertising on the Google Ads platform, comparing the outcomes between Generic Keywords and Competitor Keywords. This will be measured based on ad performance (Impressions), the number of clicks (Clicks), and the Click-through rate, to observe trends in the most effective search keyword formats for the target audience. This research collects data on advertising campaigns on Google Ads to measure the effectiveness of these campaigns. This research collected data on advertising campaigns on Google Ads to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by publishing a total of 2 campaigns: 3 Ads Groups: Generic Keyword, Competitor Keyword, Generic Keyword divided into 2 Ads Groups (ingredients, food menu), Competitor Keyword divided into 1 Ads Group (Competitor Restaurant). The results showed that using the Google Ads platform in this experiment was able to increase the reach of the website. The group of keywords categorized as Generic Keywords are keywords related to food menu items that have a higher number of searches and clicks compared to other keyword groups. In the research, it is evident that food menu items are the most relevant keywords for the restaurant business in Trang City, with higher search volumes and ad visibility compared to the other two groups. Keywords such as fish kidney curry, Southern-style curry, and yellow curry receive more clicks than other keywords. Therefore, in future keyword purchases, it is crucial to consider the most suitable keywords for the business to effectively reach the target audience and create opportunities</p> <p>Evaluating the Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Communications Influencing Engagement and Awareness through Google Ads: A Case Study of Krua Muang Trang Restaurant aims to examine the effectiveness of digital marketing communication measurement through Google Ads for a restaurant in Trang City. The study will assess the impact of advertising campaigns on the online platform in creating awareness and engagement among the target audience. Additionally, it aims to understand consumer preferences for creating advertising campaigns via the Google Ads platform that can be tailored appropriately for the brand to be memorable. First, to study the effectiveness of digital marketing communication on the Google Ads platform. Second, to study and experiment with the results of advertising on the Google Ads platform, comparing the outcomes between Generic Keywords and Competitor Keywords. This will be measured based on ad performance (Impressions), the number of clicks (Clicks), and the Click-through rate, to observe trends in the most effective search keyword formats for the target audience. This research collects data on advertising campaigns on Google Ads to measure the effectiveness of these campaigns. This research collected data on advertising campaigns on Google Ads to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by publishing a total of 2 campaigns: 3 Ads Groups: Generic Keyword, Competitor Keyword, Generic Keyword divided into 2 Ads Groups (ingredients, food menu), Competitor Keyword divided into 1 Ads Group (Competitor Restaurant). The results showed that using the Google Ads platform in this experiment was able to increase the reach of the website. The group of keywords categorized as Generic Keywords are keywords related to food menu items that have a higher number of searches and clicks compared to other keyword groups. In the research, it is evident that food menu items are the most relevant keywords for the restaurant business in Trang City, with higher search volumes and ad visibility compared to the other two groups. Keywords such as fish kidney curry, Southern-style curry, and yellow curry receive more clicks than other keywords. Therefore, in future keyword purchases, it is crucial to consider the most suitable keywords for the business to effectively reach the target audience and create opportunities</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 on Facebook of the shopping cart Band UDOMSUB That affects consumer access and sales2024-05-31T14:50:14+07:00Pongporn Sirirattanaphonkun Pongporn.siri@bumail.netChutima<p>This research focuses on studying digital marketing communication, using a case study of content on the Facebook platform and its impact on sales and consumer reach. The primary data was collected through social media channels, specifically Facebook, with a total of five content pieces in three formats: 1) Single Photo 3 content pieces 2) Photo Album 1 content piece 3) Video 1 content piece. Among the five content pieces, there are different content types: one post was aimed at stimulating product purchases, while the other four posts provided information and knowledge. The comparison of formats and content types shows that the type of content created depends on the desired message and matches the preferences or appropriate presentation styles for the target consumer behavior. Video and audio content were found to generate the best engagement and sales results, proving to be the most effective formats</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIAM COMMUNICATION REVIEW for Disseminating Cultural Heritage by Soft Power: Music and Performance Arts of Keng Tachaya Prathumwan2024-12-13T14:30:32+07:00Vinijphat<p>This research aims to study the construction of soft power through the dissemination of cultural heritage using creative music and performing arts, content creation across multiple platforms for utilizing storytelling across various media through creative music and performing arts and cross-media storytelling for employing cross-media storytelling and cross-boundary storytelling through creative music and performing arts of Keng Tachaya Prathumwan. The study used qualitative research methods by summarizing issues from research, academic articles and related information from artist’s platform. The research found that artist has created media content that possesses both horizontal and vertical characteristics with the content that can be disseminated across various media platforms, expanding its reach and engagement and vertical characteristics with the content that invites deeper exploration, allowing individuals to delve into the narrative and engage with it on a deeper level. The artist has meticulously crafted a cross-media strategy that seamlessly integrates various platforms, captivating the audience's attention and encouraging them to follow the narrative across different mediums</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ppoduct and Pacagung from Local Identity of NONG KHAO, KANCHANABURI2024-12-02T21:18:27+07:00Naphoong<p>This research aims to find Develop and show the identity of the Ban Nong Khao community. The Hundred Colored Loincloths, The famous village of Tha Muang district, Kanchanaburi. The objectives were 1) to study the identity of Ban Nong Khao community 2) to design product packaging of Ban Nong Khao community to show the community identity and create an image for the community. The samples in the research were divided into 3 groups as follows : The first group consisted of 50 people who were not related to Ban Nong Khao community by using research tools. was a questionnaire evaluating a prototype of a loincloth pattern. The second group was a population group of 50 people in the Ban Nong Khao community and the general public. This According to the research results, the identity of the Ban Nong Khao community can be divided into 2 types ; Tangible identity is Loincloth, Wat Intharam and Ban Nong Khao Museum, and Intangible identities is Belief in grandmothers and Traditions in the local way of life. Started to develop products from the integration of Lai Ta Kau. The identity pattern of weaving loincloth, Nong Khao, matched The Design Cult. Weaved as a prototype of new Loincloths : De Stijl Loincloth, Pop Art Loincloth and Psychedelic Loincloth. More than other cult loincloths with a score of 4.78, this cult De Stijl Loincloth was used as the main material for lifestyle Product development. The category of home decoration products is The Contemporary Khit Pillows. and The Multi-Purpose Cushion. Pillow Khit scored the highest overall satisfaction rating at 4.65 and the Multi-Purpose Cushion scored the highest overall satisfaction rating at 4.48. Packaging design for both loincloth and lifestyle products, item by bringing a tangible identity is pattern from loincloth, and the color scheme from the Ban Nong Khao Museum building is a guideline for the development of new packaging. The packaging for the loincloth product received the highest overall satisfaction rating of 4.72, The Contemporary Khit Pillows packaging received the highest overall satisfaction rating of 4.48, and The Multi-Purpose Cushion packaging received a high overall satisfaction rating score of 4.49.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pakistani cultural performance's choreography2024-12-02T21:26:28+07:00Chalotorn<p>This creative production aims to study the choreographic process of the cultural performance of Pakistan. The purpose is to study the work process and the development of knowledge about the transmission of ideas in the creation of gestures for performance. There are 4 processes of this show, which are 1. Meeting 2. Choreograph 3. Training and practice with performers 4. The performing day.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Transmedia Storytelling... the Application of Actor-Network Theory in Media Studies 2024-12-02T21:31:17+07:00Yuttana<p>This article aims to present how media studies relate to or apply the concepts from Actor-Network Theory (ANT) by examining transmedia storytelling phenomena as exemplified in the Joylada application and art exhibitions. Traditionally, media studies have not fully recognized art exhibitions as a form of media or as capable to function as a medium. This paper highlights the potential of employing ANT to study transmedia storytelling phenomena and invites consideration of transmedia narratives from different perspectives. Such an approach could lead to the new research questions and new research methods, offering alternative insights and explanations for these communication phenomena.</p>2024-12-03T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024