The Management of Performing Likay “Sornram Namphetch”

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Oatchayong Treesamut


The perfect performance of Likay “Sornram Namphetch” group consisted of a well-planned performance management by an effective teamwork. This has resulted in the audience's popularity for over 17 years. The performance management had two following compositions: Composition 1 - Human resource management planning, which had a decentralization of job responsibilities in different departments in order to achieve the goals set with systematic operations. The implementation of a good human resource management planning was a step that led to Composition 2 - Arrangement of the performance process with practices and performance transferring, which was in accordance with the performance methodology by using role distribution method, poems used in the performance, and a mentor for explaining the background of each character. Then the plot was explained to the actors and started practicing one scene at a time. The acting director would give advice on the performance. It was a preparation process that allowed actors to play realistic roles, could proceed according to the plot set by the director effectively, and could check for errors or modify the performance appropriately.  This was for the performance management of Likay group for conservation and succession of the art of performing Likay.

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How to Cite
Treesamut, O. (2021). The Management of Performing Likay “Sornram Namphetch”. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 23(1), 7–17. Retrieved from
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