Making a SUENG of Old Wood to Improve the Quality of Lanna Musical Instruments

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Kanlayanee Saisuk


The purpose of this research was to study the making of Sueng and its characteristics, Thai northern stringed musical instrument and the of stringed instrument made of old wood, in order to improve the quality of the musical instrument, which made from old wood, to be widely accepted. The researcher conducted this study using qualitative research methodology according to the Ethnomusicology guidelines. The data were collected by interviews and participatory observation on the process of making Sueng of old wood by Sopin Piensin, the local wisdom teacher and the folk musical instrument maker in Terng district, Chiang Rai province. 10 folk music experts were tested to check the physical characteristics and tone quality with sound program. The results were found that Sueng that made of old teak wood from furniture, door panel, or window panel assembled together piece by piece instead of using carving technique as a traditional method. Sueng’s frets were modified with a brass stringstick which was similar to a guitar’s frets. Sueng had a shape like a paddle with a proper weight. However, the problem was all sizes of Sueng had similar sound characteristics which lacked of tone color that was unique to each size. Nevertheless, the Sueng that made of old wood could save a lot of trees and the old wood could be found as a material for making musical instruments more easily, which was another factor that helped to carry on and spread the wisdom of indigenous musical instrument making and it was a guideline to develop the quality of Lanna musical instrument from local wisdom craftsmen.

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How to Cite
Saisuk, K. . . (2021). Making a SUENG of Old Wood to Improve the Quality of Lanna Musical Instruments. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 23(1), 28–42. Retrieved from
Research Article


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