The Relationship between the King and Mueang Phetchaburi during the Reign of King Rama IV to King Rama VI (A.D. 1851 – 1925)

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Thitima Suwannachat
Pailin Supudompol


The objective of this research was to studythe relationship between the King and Mueang Phetchaburi during the Reign of King Rama IV to King Rama VI. It was found that Phetchaburi had been developed as a city that had the potential to welcome foreigners entering Thailand. During that time, there were tremendous social and economic changes in Mueang Phetchaburi.This came from the relationship between the King and the people of Mueang Phetchaburi.The change took place as Western influence came after the Bowring Treaty during the reign of King Rama IV.  Therefore, Siam had to improve the country to be comparable to the western in every aspect.

The change brought improvements to the country in all areas in order to have prosperity equal to the West, including the development of the country in the region. It spreadthose influences into the region. Phetchaburi was developed under that influence as well, with both concrete and abstract evidence such as palaces, roads ,and bridge construction.These things made the people of Mueang Phetchaburi attached to the King, and that relationship still exists today.

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How to Cite
Suwannachat, T. ., & Supudompol, P. . (2021). The Relationship between the King and Mueang Phetchaburi during the Reign of King Rama IV to King Rama VI (A.D. 1851 – 1925). Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 23(1), 108–123. Retrieved from
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