The Transformational Leadership Affecting the Organizational Effectiveness: A Case Study of Bangkadi Industrial Park, Pathum Thani Province

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Jiraporn Dechkanya
Pavin Chinachoti
Tongfu Siriwongse
Laksamee Tungwha


The purposes of this study were to: 1) study the level of the transformational leadership and the organizational effectiveness; 2) to compare the opinions on the organizational effectiveness level as classified by personal factors; and 3) to study the transformational leadership affecting the organizational effectiveness: a case study of Bangkadi Industrial Park, Pathum Thani Province. The population in this study were 13,930 officers who work at Bangkadi Industrial Park, Pathum Thani Province. The 388 samples were selected by using stratified random sampling methodology. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t – test Analysis, One – way Analysis of Variance (One - way ANOVA) for analyzing the difference and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis for analyzing the relationship.The results of the study showed that: 1) the mean score of overall opinions on the transformational leadership and the organizational effectiveness: a case study of Bangkadi Industrial Park, was at  highest level; 2) overall image comparison of the organizational effectiveness level as classified by personal factors; sex, age, educational level, salary, and  employment type, were different statistically significant at the 0.05 level;  3) the transformational leadership affecting the organizational effectiveness were 2 independent variables at 0.05 statistical significance, the variables were the inspiration motivation and intellectual stimulation.

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How to Cite
Dechkanya, J. ., Chinachoti, P. ., Siriwongse, T. ., & Tungwha, L. . (2021). The Transformational Leadership Affecting the Organizational Effectiveness: A Case Study of Bangkadi Industrial Park, Pathum Thani Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 23(1), 163–181. Retrieved from
Research Article


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