Change Management Strategy of New Generation Restaurant Entrepreneurs
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The objectives of this research were to study: 1) the management of restaurant changes of new generation restaurant entrepreneurs, and 2) the characteristics of new generation restaurant entrepreneurs.The research applied qualitative research methods. Data were collected through in-depth interview.The main informant population was restaurant entrepreneur operating for over 10 years in Bangkok. Data was analyzed by descriptive analysis. Research tools used to collect data were a question for a semi-structured interview together with non-participatory observation which were the main tool for data collection.
The results of the research revealed that 1) The management of restaurant changes of new generation restaurant entrepreneurs were managing changes within the business in terms of structure, strategy, decision-making process work processes and personnel and also managing external changes in the economy competition technology political and legal and society and population. 2) The characteristics of new generation restaurant entrepreneurs were as follows: self-confident, creative, risk-taking, aggressive in competitive, consistent and aiming for success.
which from the study, the entrepreneurs can adjust the information from the study to improve the restaurant business to continue. According to the study, entrepreneurs could use the information from the study to develop the restaurant business to be sustainable.
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