The Development of Online System via Mobile Phones for Monitoring of Child Support Grant Project

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Chanasith Sithsungnoen
Akesit Chanintarapum


The objectives of this research were to 1) develop an online system via mobile phones for monitoring of child support grant project, 2) evaluate the effectiveness of staffs’ performance, 3) evaluate the staffs’ satisfaction, and 4) evaluate users’ satisfaction. This research was research and development. The main informants were administrative organization officers of Local Administrative Organization officers of Phanthai Norasing Subdistrict and Khok Kham Subdistrict and grantee in child support grant project. The data analysis was used content analysis, percentage mean, and standard deviation. The research results were found that: 1) The development of online system via mobile phones for monitoring of child support grant project was included two parts following: part 1, public relations about child support grant project information included guidelines, documents, property for registration, frequently asked questions and informing information via scanning QR code, and part 2, registration system were included name, address, age, gender, occupation, telephone number, and E-mail. The system consisted of identity, search, verification, and feedback system via SMS and E-mail eligible acceptance with reasons, and evaluation of satisfaction towards the system. 2) The effectiveness of staff’s performances was found in four aspects: convenient and fast work, reduce work steps, provide basic information and benefits to work. 3) The staffs’ satisfaction was found in five aspects: service work, content and operation, management, and character and color presentation. 4) The users’ overall satisfaction was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Sithsungnoen, C. ., & Chanintarapum, A. . (2021). The Development of Online System via Mobile Phones for Monitoring of Child Support Grant Project. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 23(1), 210–227. Retrieved from
Research Article


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