Learning Management by STEM Education to Develop Science Process Skill and Task Creative Ability of Matthayomsuesa 1 Students

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Tanyarat Rattanahiran
Chanasith Sithsungnoen


The purposes of this research were to 1) compare the achievement of learning on heat of Matthayomsuesa 1 students before and after being taught by using STEM education,  2) study the development of science process skills, and 3) assess the student's task creative ability. The samples of this research consisted of 22 Matthayomsuesa 1 students of Wat Bangnoi School (jamprachanikun) by using simple random sampling. The research instruments were 1) lesson plans using by STEM education, 2) an achievement test, 3) a science process skill assessment, and 4) a task creative ability assessment.  The experimental research was used in this study.  The data were analyzed by mean (), standard deviation (S.D.), and t-test of dependent. The result of the research showed that after being taught by STEM education, students’ learning outcomes on heat were higher than before the instruction, science process skill on heat in overall was good and high developed, and task creative ability was good.

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How to Cite
Rattanahiran, T. ., & Sithsungnoen, C. . (2020). Learning Management by STEM Education to Develop Science Process Skill and Task Creative Ability of Matthayomsuesa 1 Students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 22(2), 20–33. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hspbruacthjournal/article/view/252829
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