Managing Activity-Based Learning Combined with Multimedia to Develop Listening and Speaking Ability for Prathomsueksa 2 Students
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The research purposes were to 1) compare listening and speaking ability before and after learning through activity-based learning combined with multimedia, 2) determine listening and speaking development of Prathomsueksa 2 students during learning with the activity-based learning combined with multimedia, and 3) examine participation in learning of the students towards the activit-based learning combined with multimedia to develop listening and speaking ability. The sample group were 28 Prathomsuksa 2 students at Bankhaeraikasetphan Phitthayakan School who were studying in the second semester of the academic year 2019. The research instruments were twelve English learning management plans of the activit-based learning combined with multimedia to develop listening and speaking ability, an English listening ability’s test, an English speaking ability assessment and participation behavior observation form in learning management. The mean, standard deviation and t-test were applied for data analysis.
The results of the research showed that the English listening and speaking abilities of Prathomsuksa 2 students after learning were significance higher than that before studying at 0.05 level, the English listening and speaking development during learning with activity-based learning combined with multimedia evaluated at the end of unit for 3 times was gradually results in higher, and the student’s behavior towards the learning was positive at a good level.
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