Developing a Model of Literature Teaching through ACDEA to Enhange Critical Reading Skill of Thai Student Teachers

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Thanyalak Sangkaew
Busaba Buasomboon


The purposes of this article were to; 1) determine basic information for developing a model of literature instruction with ACDEA to enhance critical reading skill of Thai teacher students, 2) develop the model of literature instruction with ACDEA to enhance critical reading skill of Thai teacher students, and 3) examine effectiveness of the ACDEA instructional model in enhancing critical reading skill of Thai teacher students. The samples of this research were 38 third-year teacher students in Thai Education program in Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Phetchaburi Rajabhat University. The instruments comprised of the ACDEA literature instructional lessons, a critical reading skill test, and a questionnaire asking for students’ opinion. The quantitative data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation and t-test whereas the qualitative data were analyzed with content analysis.

            The research results found that: 1.The basic information essential for developing the

ACDEA literature instructional model to enhance critical reading skill of Thai teacher students

should be consistent with the 21st century educational concept. 2. The ACDEA model of literature instruction to enhance critical reading skill of Thai teacher students comprised of 5 elements: 1) principles, 2) research framework, 3) objectives, 4) instructional content and method, and 5) learning and instructional process which consisting of 5 steps: step 1 Analysis, step 2 Condition, step 3 Data, step 4 Eureka, and step 5 Apply. 3. The effectiveness of implementing the ACDEA literature instructional model revealed that the sample group of  students gained difference mean scores before and after the experiment with statistic significant level at 0.05, which the post-test mean score was more than the pre-test one. In addition, the opinion of the students towards the ACDEA learning and instructional model in enhancing their critical reading skill and ability was overall at a highest level.

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How to Cite
Sangkaew, T. ., & Buasomboon, B. . (2020). Developing a Model of Literature Teaching through ACDEA to Enhange Critical Reading Skill of Thai Student Teachers. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 22(2), 62–74. retrieved from
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