The Contemporary Sculpture Development through the Integration of Installation Art, Digital Art and Solar Cell Technology in order to Create the Community’s Landmark

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Ohm Pattanachoti


This study was the mixture between the qualitative research and the community-based action research that research methodology might consist of the processes of review literature and the field research alongside with the artistic productive process, in other words, it could be done through the use of the documentary research and its field research including the in-depth interview and the focus-group meeting and the mixed media sculpture development. The objectives of this research were; 1) to study and collect the local Chiang Rai art data base, 2) to design and develop the contemporary sculpture in order to create the local landmark underneath the local art and culture basis alongside with the concept of creative economy, 3) to encourage local people to realize and appreciate the value of their own cultural heritage and the local wisdom related to Lanna art and culture through the dissemination of the gaining knowledge related to the contemporary sculpture development and its presentation in order to approach the innovation of local sustainable tourism management.

          The research finding highlighted that not only there were the tangible outputs which composed by the sculpture and the community’s landmark themselves, but also the outcome of this research project that might be noticed as the further development of the local sustainable tourism management and its innovation in order to enhance the local people quality of life through the experiences and knowledge gaining from the research project which could be divided into 3 main aspects; 1) the art learning process; the mixture of production between the knowledge development process and the art appreciation or aesthetic process, 2) the social learning process included the brain-storming, team-working leading to the community’s mutual agreement in order to find the solution or products, 3) the community-based action research was the integration operation between the local community and the university in order to use the domestic resources for local sufficient and sustainable benefits.

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How to Cite
Pattanachoti, O. . (2020). The Contemporary Sculpture Development through the Integration of Installation Art, Digital Art and Solar Cell Technology in order to Create the Community’s Landmark. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 22(2), 84–99. Retrieved from
Research Article


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