Phetchaburi Shadow Puppetry Prompts: Content Sequence and Socio-cultural Reflection
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This research article aimed to study content order and content telling about content of Petchaburi shadow puppetry prompts including analyzed the social and cultural reflection of telling the story. The result showed that content order of Petchaburi shadow puppetry prompts was consisted of 1) overture, 2) greeting, 3) aim of the play, 4) hat taking off of clown prompt, 5) performing group introduction, 6) gratitude expressing, 7) blessing, 8) apology, 9) conservation, and 10) title indication. The reflective characteristics on social and culture were 1) greeting culture in Thai society, 2) gratitude expressing and blessing culture in Thai society, 3) culture of making a votive offering in local society, 4) teacher respects in Thai society, and 5) loyalty for the King.
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