The Development of Huttarak Thai Massage Innovative for Healing Headaches from Work Stress

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Krittiya Chomngam
Kobkul Visitsorasak
Chaiya Noradechanunt


The purposes of this article were to: 1) develop an innovation of Huttarak Thai massage for healing headache from work stress, 2) evaluate the Huttarak Thai massage innovation for healing headache from work stress. This research was a quasi-experimental study with one group of pretest-posttest design. The research target group consisted of 30 working age people in Phetchaburi province by using the purposive sampling method. The research instruments were as follows: 1) stress self-assessment form, 2) evaluation form of the client, 3) history record of massage patients, and 4) questionnaire for measuring satisfaction on Hattharak Thai massage. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, paired t-test, and content analysis.

The research results were as follows:

  1. 1. The development of innovation of Huttarak Thai massage for healing headache from work stress was a reflexology massage using a technique of modest hand weight on the tension in the tight pressure points. The weight and range of massage in each cycle of the fingers was in 3 levels as follows: soft press for 30 percent, medium press for 50 percent, and hard press for about 70 percent, of the maximum weight that could be pressed.

2. The evaluation of Huttarak Thai massage innovation for healing headaches from work stress revealed that the target group of 30 people had higher stress level than normal, and most of them had headache in the evening from 03.00 pm. - 06.00 pm in the area of the right temporal to the occiput. After massaging 5 times, it was found that the degree of headache and distress before and after the massage were significantly different (P <0.001) by the pain after the massage was lower than before the massage. The target group was satisfied with the massage to relieve the headache; therefore, they interested in getting Thai traditional massage service again. Their impression was a method of reflexology massage that was using a technique of modest hand weight on the tension according to the pain level causing relief the tight points.

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How to Cite
Chomngam, K. . ., Visitsorasak, K. ., & Noradechanunt, C. . (2020). The Development of Huttarak Thai Massage Innovative for Healing Headaches from Work Stress. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 22(2), 193–211. Retrieved from
Research Article


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