Motivation Factors Affecting the Performance of the Employees of 3 Stars hotel in Bangkok

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Pratueng Mooltongton
Chinnaso Visitnitikija
Sawittree Jobsri


The objectives of this study were to study: 1) the motivation to work of employees, 2) the performance effectiveness of employees, 3) the comparison of the performance of employees classified by personal data, 4) the relationship between motivation factors and performance of employees, 5) the relationship between supporting factors and the performance effectiveness of the employees. The samples of the study were 400 of the three stars Hotel employees in Bangkok by using questionnaires as a study tool, collected data processed using percentage, mean, t-test, f-test, One-way ANOVA, correlation, and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that most of the respondents were male, aged between 30-49 years old, single status, graduated with a bachelor's degree, the monthly income was between 20,001-30,000 baht, period of work between 1-5 years. The opinions on the motivation and supporting factors were at a high level.  The opinion on performance effectiveness was at a medium level.  Hypothesis testing revealed that personal differences in gender affected performance effectiveness. The difference in terms of age, education, marriage status, income, and period of work did not affect the performance effectiveness. The overall opinions on the motivation and support factors were related to the effectiveness of employees' performance at a medium level in the same direction. The motivation factors in terms of the nature of work performed and of the progress influenced the performance efficiency of employees. Support factors in terms of future work advancement opportunities, privacy, job security, the way of governing, and commanding influence on the performance of employees of 3 stars Hotel in Bangkok with a statistical significance at the level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Mooltongton, P. ., Visitnitikija, C. ., & Jobsri, S. . (2021). Motivation Factors Affecting the Performance of the Employees of 3 Stars hotel in Bangkok. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 23(2), 39–49. Retrieved from
Research Article


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