The Development of Learning Material on Dancing Terminology and Thai Dancing Art Language for Mattayom 1 Students
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The purposes of the study on the development of the learning package on Thai Classical Dance vocabulary and non-verbal posture of Thai Dramatic Arts for Mattayom 1 students were: 1) to study the effectiveness of the learning package; 2) to compare students’ achievement before and after using the learning package; and 3) to study the satisfaction from the students towards the learning package on Thai Classical Dance vocabulary and non-verbal of Thai Dramatic Arts for Mattayom 1 students. The sample group was 33 students from Mattayom 1, class 1/2, who enrolled in the second semester of the academic year 2019 at Baan Cha-am Municipality School, Phetchaburi. The learning package was designed based on the study of standards and indicators for the Basic Education Core Curriculum of 2008. In addition, the learning standard and indicator of dramatic arts subject were studied in order to design the learning package to provide comprehensive learning outcomes. The research tools of the learning package consisted of 3 learning components: 1) Thai Classical dance vocabulary, 2) non-verbal posture of Thai Dramatic Arts, and 3) Standard Thai Traditional dance. The data was analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test (dependent samples), and the data was also presented in a table with descriptions. The results of the research were as follows: 1) The efficiency of students’ performance on the learning package on Thai Classical Dance vocabulary and non-verbal posture of Thai Dramatic Arts for Mattayom 1, class 1/2, was 86.79 / 86.87, which was higher than the established 80/80 criterion; 2) students’ achievement after using the learning package for Mattayom 1, class 1/2, was significantly higher than before at .05; and 3) Students were satisfied with the learning package on Thai Classical Dance vocabulary and non-verbal posture of Thai Dramatic Arts for Mattayom 1, class 1/2, with overall average score of 94.60 percent.
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