The Peacefulness of the Multicultural Trajectory : the Different Opinions in the Multicultural Society Brings about the Integration of Arts and Community Environment

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Suthida Butkheak
Suchat Thaothong


This research is a constructive research that results from the study and analysis of views of differences in multicultural society in order to create mutual understanding in multicultural society and create aesthetics symbol in the form of artwork and environment in the community. Presenting peace in a multicultural way to create a peaceful space by studying the community area of ​​Krabi Municipality in which this research has research tools including In-depth interviews, observations, questionnaires, and performance appraisals. From the study and collecting data on the opinions of the sample population in a multicultural society consisting of Thai Muslims, Thai Buddhists, Thai Christians, Thai Chinese descent In the community area of ​​Krabi Municipality causing the researcher to gain knowledge and understanding of various lifestyles and behaviors Opinions about the views on the opinions of different people in the way of life and the conduct of the religious people found that the differences arose from the differences of people in the community. Lack of activities together, resulting in different opinions and misunderstandings. But in these differing opinions, there are still groups of people who are well connected to each other and live together in unity. Therefore, the researcher used the information to inspire and formulate the concept of art activities: multicultural relations, community. To create mutual understanding and coordination among people in the community by creating works of art. Which is an attitude exchange activity Accepting opinions Working together to create ideas, it is possible to get a painting that is created by a fusion of ideas and   a combination of ideas that are united by Thai Muslims, Thai Buddhists, Thai Christians, Thai Chinese. And led to the creation of sculptures created by the unity of the people in the community to the unity in diversity Until the promise of the peace of the community in Krabi In addition, this research will be of benefit to those who wish to study ways to use art for community development by fostering unity in diversity of multicultural society and those interested in creating artistic works that are in line with the research methodology.

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How to Cite
Butkheak, S. ., & Thaothong, S. . (2021). The Peacefulness of the Multicultural Trajectory : the Different Opinions in the Multicultural Society Brings about the Integration of Arts and Community Environment. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 23(2), 89–106. Retrieved from
Research Article


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