The Competency Special Model for Personnel of the Local Government Organization in Tak Special Economic Development Zones

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Chorpruek Phioku
Chaiya Yimwilai


The purposes of this research were to study special competencies of local government organization personnel in the Tak special economic development zone area, to study the feasibility of a special competency model of local government organization personnel in the Tak special economic development zone area. and propose a special competency model for local government personnel corresponding to the Tak Special Economic Development Zone area, In this research, the researcher has studied concepts, theories, principles and related research results. were included in the research.This is mixed methods research which quantitative research and qualitative research. The population and samples are, the population in the Tak special economic zone was a sample size of 399 people, Personnel of local government organization in the Tak Special Economic Development Zone received the sample size of 333 people. Executives/representatives of local government personnel, totaling 19 people and 11 qualified experts in the Local government Organization in the Tak Special Economic Development Zone. Data collection instruments were questionnaires, structured interviews and Individual interview and evaluation.  Interpretation analysis was used to analyze the data, Content analysis, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The results found that; 1. Special competences of personnel of local government organizations using 3 groups of content analysis methods: The first group of people found that Local government personnel should have special competencies, divided into 8 areas: Language, knowledge, technology, adjustment, responsibility, morality ethics, human relations, participation. The second group is personnel It was found that local Local government organization personnel should have special competencies, divided into 10 areas. Language and Communication, culture and adaptation, knowledge, self-development, Teamwork, Morality and Ethics, Service, Responsibility, information technology, Integration. The third group the management group, found that local government organization personnel should have special competencies divided into 11 areas as follows: Knowledge and competence, Language and communication, Technology, Service, Cooperation and network, Moral and Ethics, Responsibility, Management, Self-development, Integration and application, Emotional intelligence. 2. The evaluation of The special competency model of local government organization personnel corresponding to the Tak Special Economic Development Zone is SPECIAL MODEL. Overall, it is at the highest level mean 4.55.  When classified by 4 aspects, it was found that The usefulness aspect was at the highest level. have the highest mean was  4.63, followed by suitability at the highest level. It has the mean  4.57.  In the part of consistency, at the highest-level mean which is 4.52. The possibilities are at a high-level mean  4.48. 3. The special competency model of local government organization personnel corresponding to the Tak Special Economic Development Zone is SPECIAL MODEL, which can be divided into twelve aspects There are 1) Service Mind and human relations 2) Participation and Team Work 3)  Ethics and Morality 4) Culture and Tradition 5) Information Technology and Network 6) Adaptation and Apply 7) Language and Knowledge 8)Management and Integration 9)Obligatory and Responsibility 10) Development and Expertise 11) Emotional Quotient and Intelligence Quotient and 12) Leadership and Assertive.

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How to Cite
Phioku, C. ., & Yimwilai, C. . (2021). The Competency Special Model for Personnel of the Local Government Organization in Tak Special Economic Development Zones. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 23(2), 107–128. Retrieved from
Research Article


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