The Factors affecting the participation of the elderly in the operation of an elderly school in Phetchaburi Province

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Saowalak Wiboonkarn
Piyakorn Whangmahaporn


The objectives of the research on 1) levels of the elderly’s participation in the operation of an elderly school in Phetchaburi, 2) factors on the elderly’s participation in the operation of an elderly school in Phetchaburi, 3) obstacles on the elderly’s participation in the operation of an elderly school in Phetchaburi, and 4) ways to improve the elderly’s participation in the operation of an elderly school in Phetchaburi. The research used the mix method approach, including quantitative approach which the population of this study was 106 elderly students from 3 elderly schools. The qualitative approach consisted of 3 senior school directors, 3 elderly students, 3 community developers, 3 senior school advisors, 3 committees and heads of the program, and 3 volunteers. The results of the research found that 1) the levels of the elderly’s participation in the operation of an elderly school in Phetchaburi was at a high level average, the most highest level was the control level followed by therapist level was the second and information provision level respectively. 2) the factors on the elderly’s participation in the operation of an elderly school in Phetchaburi were persuasion factor which was included in the high level and it was found that the factors affecting to the elderly’s participation were factor of motivation driven by other people followed by benefit/ reward factor and personal’s factor respectively. Supporting factor was at the high level in overall which was found that the factors most influencing the involvement of the elderly were the constituent factors, government factor, and the factors that are the characteristics of the project, respectively. 3) the obstacles on the elderly’s participation in the operation of an elderly school in Phetchaburi were health problems for the elderly the elderly lacked knowledge and understanding of the work process of the elderly school, and in terms of communication and information public relations. 4) the ways to improve the elderly’s participation in the operation of an elderly school in Phetchaburi were divided into points such as receiving awards / benefits factor, creating the personal’s self-esteem, promoting shared participation and ownership, creating a motivation factor driven by other people, supports from the local government organization with strength and well-care for the elderly school efficiently, promoting various constituents where the facilitation is for the elderly to come and join activities in the school, creating activity patterns and projects as the activity models of the senior school that come from demand and attention of the elderly.

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How to Cite
Wiboonkarn, S. ., & Whangmahaporn, P. . (2021). The Factors affecting the participation of the elderly in the operation of an elderly school in Phetchaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 23(2), 171–185. Retrieved from
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