Enhancing Phathomsuksa 5 Students’ Science Learning Achievement and Analytical Thinking Skill Using Inquiry-based Learning Approach (5Es) and Concept Mapping Technique
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Analytical thinking is essential and necessary in today's modern society with advanced science and technology. Analytical thinking is a fundamental skill encouraging the development of learners’ other higher-order thinking skills and effective problem solving and decision making. This became the topic of the researcher’s interest. The purposes of this research were 1) to compare students’ science learning achievement obtained before and after learning the lessons employing inquiry-based learning approach and concept mapping technique, 2) to compare students’ analytical thinking skill obtained before and after learning the lessons employing inquiry-based learning approach and concept mapping technique, and 3 )to study students’ opinions towards learning the lessons employing inquiry-based learning approach and concept mapping technique. The samples of this research were 16 Phathomsuksa 5 students of Watthaheo School in Phetchaburi selected by using simple random sampling technique. The research instruments consisted of 1) lesson plans employing inquiry-based learning approach and concept mapping technique, 2) science learning achievement test with reliability of 0.89, difficulty level between 0.28–0.78, and discrimination index between 0.22–0.67, 3) analytical thinking skill test with index of item objective congruence between 0.67-1.00, and 4) questionnaires measuring students’ opinions towards learning the lessons employing inquiry-based learning approach and concept mapping technique. The statistical techniques employed were percentage, means, standard deviation, and dependent samples t-test. The research results were as follows: 1. Students’ science learning achievement scores obtained after learning the lessons were higher than that of before with statistically significant difference at .05. 2. Students’ analytical thinking skill scores obtained after learning the lessons were higher than that of before with statistically significant difference at .05. 3. Regarding students’ opinions towards lessons, it was found that students displayed a high level of agreement on all areas listed in the questionnaires. There were top three areas yielding the mean scores which included learning management, learning environment, and learning benefit respectively.
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