The Knowledge Management of the Local Wisdom on the Art of Banana Trunk Carving in Schools under the Secondary Educational Service of Area Office 10 Petchaburi Province

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Wanneesa Seefa
Piyakorn Whangmahaporn


The objectives of the knowledge management of the local wisdom on the art of banana trunk carving in schools under the Secondary Educational Service of Area Office 10 Petchaburi Province were to study 1) levels of  the knowledge management of the local wisdom on the art of banana trunk carving in schools under the Secondary Educational Service of Area Office 10 Petchaburi Province, 2) factors that affected the knowledge management of the local wisdom on the art of banana trunk carving in schools under the Secondary Educational Service of Area Office 10 Petchaburi Province, 3) ways to manage the knowledge of the local wisdom on the art of banana trunk carving in schools under the Secondary Educational Service of Area Office 10 Petchaburi Province. The study used the mix method approach. For the quantitative method, the population were 300 teachers who were under the Secondary Educational Service of Area Office 10 Petchaburi Province. For the qualitative method, the samples were 19 people who were related to the study’s topic such as (1) 1 officer of Provincial Educational Office, (2) 1 officer  of Provincial Culture Office, (3) 1 management personnel of Educational Service, (4) 8 instructors of banana trunk carving and teachers who teach the related arts subject, (5) 8 banana trunk carving artisans. The results of the levels of the knowledge management of the local wisdom on the art of banana trunk carving in schools under the Secondary Educational Service of Area Office 10 Petchaburi Province , which consisted of seeking, building up, filing and retrieving, transferring and utilizing, process management, and communication management, found that the score of the survey was at the highest level overall. The process management had the highest score level followed by filing and retrieving, and seeking respectively. For factors that affected the knowledge management of the local wisdom on the art of banana trunk carving in schools, which consisted of leadership, culture, information technology, measurement, infrastructure, vision, learning skills, participation, and work atmosphere, found that the score of the survey was at the high level overall. The first highest score was culture, second was information technology, and third was infrastructure. For the ways to manage the knowledge of the local wisdom on the art of banana trunk carving in schools under the Secondary Educational Service of Area Office 10 Petchaburi Province, Provincial Education Office, Provincial Culture Office, and Educational institutes are going to be working together, creating local wisdom network, sharing experiences of useful local wisdom from the past to create new knowledge to develop teaching and learning for students in educational institutions and keep it as a database. And the Education Ministry will carry out to register and compare it with the school curriculum to be added to the unit for making a student teaching plan.When the school or the teacher in the subject group brings such knowledge to teach students both in theory and practice, during this time, there will be an invitation of a group of technicians to demonstrate along with providing additional knowledge to students.Also, students who win the competition will be supported with reward and for budgeting activities will receive support from the provincial office of Petchaburi, provincial culture office, including local government organizations.After the completion of the activity, the knowledge of local wisdom will be shared systematically in development files, textbooks, documents and information technology systems such as computer or websites in schools of Petchaburi’s areas in order to find knowledge for the next teaching and learning for sustainable development of knowledge management and local wisdom in educational institutions.

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How to Cite
Seefa, W. ., & Whangmahaporn, P. . (2021). The Knowledge Management of the Local Wisdom on the Art of Banana Trunk Carving in Schools under the Secondary Educational Service of Area Office 10 Petchaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 23(2), 208–225. Retrieved from
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