Mapping of Local Information Sources in Maeka Subdistrict, Muang District, Phayao Province
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The purposes of this research were 1) to survey local information sources, 2) to classify the local Information sources, and 3) to develop map of local information sources in Maeka Subdistrict, Muang District, Phayao Province. This was a survey research by studying secondary and primary sources. The database system was created by MySQL database management system and PHP language as to manage the data of temples and organizations. Data collections and records were done in the database management system. The collected data were rechecked and analyzed. The program namely Google Maps was applied to pin the information sources and Adobe Photoshop program was used to develop mapping. The study revealed that there were 30 institutional information sources in Maeka Subdistrict, consisting of 9 temples, 2 churches, 9 educational institutions, 2 health promoting hospitals, 3 agricultural organizations, 2 handcraft centers, 1 government agency which was Maeka Municipality, and 2 other information sources were archaeological sites, namely Wieng Bua kilns and monument of Captain Hans Marqvard Jensen or Hans Markward Jensen. The only information source about mass media was the Royal Thai Army Radio Region 3, Phayao Province. In addition, there were 5 sources of person information consisting of 2 monks and 3 laymen.
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