Knowledge Management of Schools in Suanphung Sub-district, Ratchaburi Province

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Kingkaew Prateangphol
Mattana Wangthanomsak


The purposes of this research were to study 1) knowledge management in Suanphung Sub-district schools of Ratchaburi province, 2) development guidelines for knowledge management in Suanphung Sub-district schools of Ratchaburi province. The population in this research were 5 schools in Suanphung Sub-district. There were 30 respondents, 6 respondents from each school, comprised of 1 school administrator, 2 heads or deputy heads of academic affairs, and 3 teachers. The research instruments were questionnaire and structured interview concerning knowledge management according to the concept of Office of the Public Sector Development Commission. The statistical used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and content analysis.

          The findings of this research were as follows :

  1. Knowledge management in Suanphung Sub-district Schools of Ratchaburi province, was at a high level. Ranking from the highest to the lowest mean as follow: learning, knowledge sharing, knowledge organization, knowledge creation and acquisition, knowledge access, knowledge codification and refinement, and knowledge identification.

  2. For development guidelines of knowledge management in Suanphung Sub-district schools of Ratchaburi province, knowledge identification should be developed including the development of an analysis of existing sources of knowledge within and outside the schools by written record, and participation in the analysis of knowledge by discussing the current problem.

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How to Cite
Prateangphol, K. ., & Wangthanomsak, M. . (2020). Knowledge Management of Schools in Suanphung Sub-district, Ratchaburi Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 22(1), 133–143. Retrieved from
Research Article


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