The Knowledge Management of Early Rattanakosin Period-Traditional Thai Art in Wat Thewa Sangkharam to Local History and Culture Learning Management for Social Studies Teacher Students

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Pratchaya Luangdaeng


The purposes of this research aimed to 1) manage the knowledge of Thai art in Early Rattanakosin Period at Wat Thewa Sangkharam, 2) propose guidelines for using knowledge about Thai art in Early Rattanakosin Period at Wat Thewa Sangkharam about local history and culture learning management for social studies teacher students.The author collected the qualitative data using information from interviewing the professional and analyzed the information by content analysis. The results of the research found that: 1) The knowledge management of Thai art in early Rattanakosin period at Wat Thewa Sangkharam showed that this temple was built in early Rattanakosin period by written sources from King Nangklao of Siam. It was more obvious at King Chulalongkorn of Siam by the evidence of showing the art sources. Almost art in the temple was the forms and details that identified the influence of the art from Bangkok between King Mongkut to King Chulalongkorn of Siam period. 2) The guidelines using knowledge about Thai art in early Rattanakosin period at Wat Thewa Sangkharam about history and local culture learning management for social studies teacher students had 3 approaches: 1) activity learning management that supported the knowledge of history and culture to be creative work or new knowledge of  the learning area of social studies and social studies learning management, 2) learning activity that conformed to students and local in history and culture dimension, so that students knew the value and the importance of the local area, and 3) using the knowledge of history and cultural heritage in the local area to enhance learning activity with other subjects relevant or art and culture conversation  project.

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Luangdaeng, P. . (2020). The Knowledge Management of Early Rattanakosin Period-Traditional Thai Art in Wat Thewa Sangkharam to Local History and Culture Learning Management for Social Studies Teacher Students . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 22(1), 144–160. Retrieved from
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