Operations in a Secondhand Clothing Business Network

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Viroj Jadesadalug
Nutcha Pukkung


This objective of this research were to study 1) general information of secondhand clothes business, and 2) network of secondhand clothing business. This study used qualitative research. The informants were secondhand clothing operators: importers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers.  The data were collected by using a semi-structured interview and non-participatory observation. Data obtained were then analyzed to generate conclusions and to present the result of this study in the descriptive form.

          The results of this study showed that: 1) Secondhand clothes had a large source from the import warehouse, Rong Kluea market, and wholesale market. They would be wholesale at a price of a hundred or more. The attitude of consumers towards secondhand clothes was that the price of secondhand clothes was cheaper than firsthand clothes, while the quality was not different from the firsthand goods. Customers were willing to pay because they could save money. 2) The network of secondhand clothing business began with importing secondhand clothes from foreign countries to be sold as sacks in Thailand. The main customers were wholesalers and retailers. Wholesalers would find sources of imports and bought secondhand clothes to sell in sacks. Retailers would buy products in sacks and selected them by themselves by looking for wholesale stores from many places to find the type of clothing that they wanted to sell, focusing on selling T-shirts like wholesalers. Most of them would be sold in markets, street markets, and available online with a discount promotion when buying in bulk. The risks of this business was competition in the same market, deterioration of goods stored in warehouses, consumer trends, and economic change conditions. This research could be used as a guideline for management and development of secondhand clothing business or other secondhand goods business to be more effective and successful.

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How to Cite
Jadesadalug, V. ., & Pukkung, N. . (2020). Operations in a Secondhand Clothing Business Network. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 22(1), 220–237. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hspbruacthjournal/article/view/256867
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