A Study on Customers’ Opinion towards House Booking through Online System of the National Housing Authority

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Thanachai Sukkawanit


The objectives of this research were to survey the information of the customers' needs and the causes of the groups of customers who had not yet decided to buy the project of the National Housing Authority so that the National Housing Authority could use the information to improve operations in accordance with the needs of the customer group. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The sample was 400 customers who booked online housing project from January 2018 to April 2019. Data were analized using frequency and percentage.       

          The results showed that most customers who booked the National Housing Project through online were female aged between  31-40 years old, income between 15,001 -20,000 baht, and married. They had a bachelor's degree and worked as private company employees. Most of them knew online booking service from social media.  In the customers’ opinion, using the National Housing Authority's online booking service process was easy to understand, but they had not decided to purchase this project yet because they were not satisfied with the building model (17.10%), physical dissatisfaction, such as the old building, atmosphere and environment, etc. (15.60%), promotions (13.10%),  places to buy (12.70%), the quality of materials and equipment inside the house/suite (11.20%), the money on the booking (10.60%), the management such as high-priced central fee, parking, garbage collection and security system (10.40%), and selling price (9.20%).

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How to Cite
Sukkawanit, T. . (2020). A Study on Customers’ Opinion towards House Booking through Online System of the National Housing Authority . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 22(1), 238–250. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hspbruacthjournal/article/view/256869
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