Development of instructional model based on Active Learning concept to promote speaking ability for high school students

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Chatchai Sukhum
Kanyalak Chaisiri
Wanphruek Thiamdaet
Jiratchaya Prateepchotporn
Ubonwan Songserm


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop and find the quality of the teaching pattern by following the Active Learning idea for supporting the ability of presentation of high school students and 2) to evaluate the pattern of Active Learning for high school students. This research development was conducted from a case study involving students in the 12th grade at Khlongkhlungratpracharangsan School. The total amount of students in the first semester was 37 students. The simple method was used for teaching students with the presentation of Active Learning in high school. This simple method also contained knowledge of management. The evaluation of the student’s presentation and the student’s satisfaction data was collected from a standard deviation, one sample t-test, and content analysis in data analysis. The teaching model based on the concept of Active Learning to promote the ability to speak and present for high school students is called the “SPEAKS Model”. The principle of the model focused on improving learners' ability to speak and present through learning activities and on practical and thought-provoking presentations. There were teachers who gave advice, suggestion, encouragement, or facilitating which consisted of 6 steps: Step 1 drawing interest, step 2 solving problems, step 3 exploring and researching, step 4 analytical thinking, step 5 creatively presenting knowledge, and 6 assessing the learners. The result of the quality check of the model was found that it could be applied to the sample group. In the effectiveness of the model, it was found that after using the model, the student's ability to give presentations after learning was higher than the standard, statistically significant at the .05 and 2.2 levels. The students were satisfied with the overall developed model at a high level.

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How to Cite
Sukhum, C. ., Chaisiri, K. ., Thiamdaet, W. ., Prateepchotporn, J. ., & Songserm, U. . (2023). Development of instructional model based on Active Learning concept to promote speaking ability for high school students. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 25(1), 119–138. Retrieved from
Research Article


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