Guidelines for the Development of the Public Sector Management Quality (PMQA) of the Thanarat Camp Infantry Center, Pranburi District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province

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Pattamaporn Kunthong
Nittaya Sintao


This mixed methods research aimed to study: 1) quality level of public administration 4.0 (PMQA 4.0) of the Thanarat Camp Infantry Center. 2) leadership affects the quality of government management 4.0 (PMQA 4.0) of the Thanarat Camp Infantry Center, and 3) guidelines for improving the quality of government management 4.0 (PMQA 4.0) of Thanarat Camp Infantry Center. The sample group consisted of 130 military officers working in the Thanarat Infantry Center and 8 key informants. Data were treated and analyzed by using descriptive and Inferential Statistics methods, which were frequency percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-squared test and multiple regression analysis. Research results: 1) The quality of government management 4.0 (PMQA 4.0) of the Thanarat Camp Infantry Center found a high level. 2) There was a statistically significant correlation with the quality of Public Administration 4.0 (PMQA 4.0) of the Thanarat Camp Infantry Center at 0.001 level, The forecast equation can be written as follows:. = 0.765 (b0) + 0.409 (b3x3) 3) Guidelines for improving the quality of government management. 4.0 (PMQA 4.0) of the Thanarat Camp Infantry Center found that the agency has passed the indicators to all levels. A systematic strategic plan is planned/reviewed. There is a state-of-the-art personal data exchange: (PDX) database system that analyzes results from data and indicators to solve problems. There is a concrete evaluation system. Innovative work and efficient service are created. Including the resolution of complaints in a concrete way.

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How to Cite
Kunthong , P., & Sintao, N. . (2023). Guidelines for the Development of the Public Sector Management Quality (PMQA) of the Thanarat Camp Infantry Center, Pranburi District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 25(1), 166–179. Retrieved from
Research Article


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