Applying Market Segmentation Theory and Motivation to Investigate the Active Elderly Senior Tourists’ Behavior in Selecting Homestay

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Wannawanat Nongnuch
Kaedsiri Jaroenwisan


The rise of becoming an aging society of the world and Thailand has led many businesses focusing on elderly tourists, as the elderly who are physically healthy, a group with high travel needs because of they have plenty time of to relax and have high purchasing power. The tourists also have the ability and interest to contribute to the development of society. Therefore, the potential development of the aging business is likely to expand in order to reach the needs of aging consumers as much as possible. The tourism industry is likewise pushing Thailand towards offering value to these quality tourists. According to the draft National Tourism Development Plan No. 13 and the Aging Action Plan Phase 2 (2002 – 2022), the trend among Thai quality tourists is that the number of high potential elderly tourists who can take care of their health trends to increase. To study the motivation for choosing homestays for elderly Tourists of the Thai senior tourists in the context of each community will enable homestay businesses to use as a guideline for the development of facilities standard, services, activities, up to the public relations model to increase value for the segment to make a difference, create opportunities, and build competitiveness in the tourism industry as part of the sustainable development of community tourism in the future.Therefore, the purpose of this academic article is to be a guideline to increase the efficiency of homestay business to support the active elderly senior tourists.

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How to Cite
Nongnuch, W. ., & Jaroenwisan, K. . (2023). Applying Market Segmentation Theory and Motivation to Investigate the Active Elderly Senior Tourists’ Behavior in Selecting Homestay . Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 25(2), 95–115. Retrieved from
Research Article


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