The development of English and Chinese master teachers’ networks of Government Savings Bank School under the Office of Prachuapkhirikhan Educational Service Area 1

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Apichat Lenanant
Samrit Sangthong
Suparat Siraputtiphan
Phairach Kongcharoen


This research is entitled “The development of English and Chinese master teachers’ networks of Government Savings Bank School under the Office of Prachuapkhirikhan Educational Service Area 1”. It is an action research that aimed to achieve the following objectives: 1) to develop a network of English and Chinese master teachers of the Government Savings Bank School, and 2) to study the results of communication skills development of English and Chinese master teachers and student leaders in the network. The target population was 30 English and Chinese master teachers and 60students from the English and Chinese Leader network. The instruments used in this research consisted of 1) the English and Chinese Language Leadership Network Assessment Form, and 2) a skill evaluation form of English and Chinese master teachers and student leaders in the English and Chinese language network. The research results were shown as the followings: 1) The development of a network of English and Chinese master teachers consists of 7 elements: 1.1) building awareness, 1.2) defining vision, 1.3) creating benefits, 1.4) participation, 1.5) supporting each other, 1.6) fostering interdependence, and 1.7) sharing knowledge. The results of the network were at a high level, both overall and in each aspect. 2) The result of the development of communication skills of master teachers and the student leaders in English and Chinese language of the networks of Government Savings Bank School found that: 2.1) The Development of the English and Chinese master teachers’ network, the mean score was 30.00, significantly higher than before the training at the .01 level. The mean score was 28.27, significantly higher than before training at the .01 level. 2.2) The Development of English and Chinese language networks, the student leaders had an average score of 25.43, significantly higher than before the training at the .01 level. The mean score was 24.20, significantly higher than before training at the .01 level.

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How to Cite
Lenanant, A. . ., Sangthong, S. . ., Siraputtiphan, S. . ., & Kongcharoen, P. . (2023). The development of English and Chinese master teachers’ networks of Government Savings Bank School under the Office of Prachuapkhirikhan Educational Service Area 1. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 25(2), 161–169. Retrieved from
Research Article


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