Study of the level of service quality development small hotel staff and alternative accommodation in the area of Suphan Buri Province

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Thavewat Kunchay
Samornpan KongsaKul
Sanchai Yomakakul
Nipha wthawnichkul
Wirocn khrangklang


The study of the level of service quality development for small hotel staff and alternative accommodations in the area of ​​Suphan Buri Province has a purpose to study guidelines for the development of the potential of small hotel employees in the area of ​​Suphan Buri Province. Data were collected using a questionnaire on the importance of service quality improvement and employee service quality improvement process. The sampling in this research includes the operators of small hotels and alternative accommodations, totaling 221 samples. Employing purposive sampling, the data were collected using questionnaires on the service quality development and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results are presented in the form of tables for lectures. The research method of sample group is based on the hotel operators who participated in a teaching course on investment opportunities in small hotels, boutiques, and hostels. Data were analyzed by finding the frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation (S.D.) and Pearson's correlation coefficient between service quality development and service quality development process. The study found that the importance of improving the quality of service to employees, to employers, and to competition is at a high level. As for the development of employee service potential, which consists of the analysis of training needs, course preparation, preparation before training, training operations, and training evaluation, the importance is overall at a high level. To develop the service potential of the staff for maximum efficiency, the person in charge of training should pay attention to the training needs of the employees first and foremost because it will help those responsible for training to know the information and guidelines for planning the next steps of training. When setting up a training course to develop the potential of service personnel, attention should be paid to the content, methods, activities, time, place, budget, speakers, documents, media, materials, and training evaluation in accordance with the needs of employees, as well as explaining to the trainees the expectations of training management. The preparation before training should focus on to the selection of the participating trainees, the choice of speakers and the coordination with the speakers, the executives, the participants to develop the potential of employees training operations.Most importantly, the people responsible for the training should follow the prepared structure. There should also be a knowledge assessment with clear guidelines for both before attending the training and after, and the reports of this evaluation should be presented to the executives every time.

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How to Cite
Kunchay, T. ., KongsaKul, S., Yomakakul, S. ., wthawnichkul, N. ., & khrangklang, W. . (2024). Study of the level of service quality development small hotel staff and alternative accommodation in the area of Suphan Buri Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 26(1), 88–108. Retrieved from
Research Article


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