The Work Motivation Models that Affects the Achievement Operation of Royal Sponsored Funeral Service Division 3 Phetchaburi

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Chotsurat Pongphun
Rakkait Hongthong


This mixed methods research aimed to study: (1) the motivation of personnel who were bestowed on Royal Sponsored Funeral Service Division 3 Phetchaburi, (2) the achievement of personnel who were bestowed upon Royal Sponsored Funeral Service Division 3 Phetchaburi, (3) the work motivation models that affects the achievement Operation of Royal Sponsored Funeral Service Division 3 Phetchaburi, and (4) the proposal of a model of work motivation that affects the performance of Royal Sponsored Funeral Service Division 3 Phetchaburi.  The samples used in the research were 104 personnel under the Royal Sponsored Funeral Service Division 3 Phetchaburi. The in-depth interviews included 7 cultural scholars in operation including a head of division which was total of 8 people. Data were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics methods which were percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. Analytical results were: (1) Motivation of the Royal Sponsored Funeral Service Division 3 Phetchaburi in overall and in terms of aspects the motivation was at a high level. (2) The achievement of the funeral administration group that was bestowed on Royal Sponsored Funeral Service Division 3 Phetchaburi in overall and in terms of aspects was at a high level. (3) Motivation of the Royal Sponsored Funeral Service Division 3 Phetchaburi, in the respect aspect, the achievement aspect,  and terms of security needs, there was a statistically significant correlation with the achievement of the Royal Sponsored Funeral Service Division 3 Phetchaburi was at the 0.001, 0.01 and 0.05 levels, respectively. And (4) the relationship model of motivation and the achievement of the Royal Sponsored Funeral Service Division 3 Phetchaburi was the motivation to work in various forms such as salary and overtime payment, which were righteous and fair, promoting teamwork, training, and creating a good working environment security and welfare in the service.

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How to Cite
Pongphun, C. ., & Hongthong, R. . (2024). The Work Motivation Models that Affects the Achievement Operation of Royal Sponsored Funeral Service Division 3 Phetchaburi. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 26(1), 109–126. Retrieved from
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