Sustainable Community Tourism Management under the Climate Change Circumstances, Case Study, So Phisai Model
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The objectives of this research were to: 1) study and analyze issues arising from climate change affecting tourism, 2) explore guidelines for sustainable community tourism management, 3) propose an appropriate model for sustainable community tourism management, and 4) evaluate an activity model aimed at improving quality of life by raising income levels and well-being under climate change conditions. This study utilized both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Data collection tools included in-depth interview forms and questionnaires. The qualitative sample group, selected through purposive sampling, consisted of 12 representatives from governmental organizations, the public sector, and relevant associations. The quantitative sample group, also selected through purposive sampling, consisted of 153 local residents and tourists. Qualitative data were analyzed using the SWOT analysis technique, while quantitative data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation.
The research findings revealed that: 1) climate change impacts tourism through warmer weather, more frequent and severe storms, unusual seasonal weather patterns, and prolonged droughts, with both local residents and tourists noting significant impacts on agriculture; 2) guidelines for sustainable community tourism management include: (1) strategies for enhancing access to tourist attractions and linking them with attractions in other areas, (2) promoting the distinctive value and identity of tourist attractions, (3) providing facilities and services for community activities, (4) increasing the potential of locations to accommodate tourists and host activities, and (5) managing marketing personnel, public relations, and the quality of tourist attractions as living community museums; 3) an appropriate model for sustainable community tourism management in So Phisai District includes: (1) community promotion, (2) career and income support, (3) natural resource and environmental management, (4) protection of life and property, (5) community participation, and (6) leadership and network collaboration; and 4) the evaluation of activities aimed at improving quality of life and raising income and well-being under climate change conditions was found to be at a high level overall.
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