A Study of Possibilities Development in Thamrong Sub-district to Agricultural Tourism Route in Ban Lad District, Phetchaburi

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Wanneesa Seefa


The objectives of this research are to assess the potential of communities and establish agro-tourism routes in the Thamrong sub-district in Ban Lat district, Phetchaburi Province, as well as to incorporate policies into local government planning using integrated research. This study employs a qualitative research approach. Data were collected from 358 participants through questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and focus groups, including community leaders, community enterprise leaders, village heads involved in tourism management, and management and staff from the Thamrong Sub-District Administrative Office. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS software and descriptive analysis. The study results indicated the following: 1) the level of readiness or agreement to develop the area into an agro-tourism destination is generally high, with an overall average rating of 3.41. This reflects the community's readiness to support tourism activities that promote cultural learning and local lifestyles, and 2) regarding the potential for developing this area into an agro-tourism hub, the community's strengths include: 2.1) A high degree of unity and cooperation, with strong community bonds, mutual assistance, and positive attitudes towards both the community and government agencies, along with regular communication and 2.2) the infrastructure in Thamrong sub-district is suitable for accommodating tourists, with safe roads and support from public organizations to create local products, improve the landscape, and attract media coverage. However, the community faces challenges, such as limited knowledge in product development and branding, which sometimes results in insufficient supplies for sale.

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How to Cite
Seefa, W. . (2024). A Study of Possibilities Development in Thamrong Sub-district to Agricultural Tourism Route in Ban Lad District, Phetchaburi. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 26(2), 24–34. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hspbruacthjournal/article/view/277642
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