Factors Affecting Political Participation of People in Phetchaburi Province
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The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the level of political participation of people in Phetchaburi, 2) study factors affecting political participation of people in Phetchaburi, and 3) suggest guidelines for promoting political participation of people in Phetchaburi. This research is a mixed method research. The sample group consisted of 400 people aged 18 years and over who have the right to vote and who live in Phetchaburi, selected by using simple random sampling method. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. An in-depth interview was also used for collecting data from 16 key informants, selected by using purposive sampling method from the president of the Subdistrict Administrative Organizations, subdistrict mayors, and community leaders. The data were analyzed by using content analysis. The research results found that the level of people’s overall opinion on factors in political participation of people in Phetchaburi was high. Furthermore, there were four factors positively affecting political participation of people in Phetchaburi with statistical significance at the .01 level (regression coefficient (R) = 0.802, able to predict or explain the variance in the effect on political participation of people in Phetchaburi at 64.30%). Moreover, the governmental sector should clearly define the scope of the election campaign to prevent possible conflicts in the community and increase participation in election campaign. They should also officially organize a forum for public campaign speeches, giving the public an opportunity to openly ask questions.
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