Promotion of Gastronomy Tourism by the Tourism Community in Bangkok Area
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This mixed-methods research aimed to 1) study the guidelines and factors in promoting food tourism in tourism communities in Bangkok, and 2) study the potential of food tourism in tourism communities in Bangkok. The quantitative research used a questionnaire to collect data from 400 Thai tourists who used food services in tourism communities in Bangkok. The qualitative research used an in-depth interview to interview relevant people from government agencies, the private sector, food entrepreneurs, the community sector, marketers, and food nutrition experts. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to find the relationship between tourists’ behaviors in using food services, the potential of food tourism, and factors in promoting food tourism in tourism communities in Bangkok. The research results showed that 1) the sample group of tourists were female, aged between 21 and 30 years, were employees in the private sector or workers, had an income between 10,001 and 20,000 baht, and had a bachelor’s degree as the highest level of education, 2) the behaviors of tourists when using food services were trying local restaurants or ethnic food with strange flavors, receiving information about food tourism from social media websites or traveling with friends or colleagues approximately 2 to 3 times per month, most often on Saturdays, Sundays, or public holidays whereas personal factors in terms of average monthly income were related to the food service behaviors of tourism communities in Bangkok, and 3) food tourism potential and factors promoting food tourism, ranked from most to least, were: food products, sales prices, management, marketing promotion, service personnel, environment, and decision-making to use services.
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