Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal 2024-06-30T15:45:53+07:00 ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.สาวิตรี สอาดเทียน Open Journal Systems <p><strong> Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal</strong> seeks to promote and publish valuable academic works and research with the aims to strengthen body of knowledge in the fields of social sciences and humanities.</p> <p><strong> </strong>The journal strengthens a forum for discussion and knowledge exchange as well as concepts, and theories related to research among academics, researchers, and readers who are interested in the fields of social sciences and humanities. The journal accepts submissions in the form of research articles, academic articles, and review articles in the fields of humanities and social sciences.</p> <p><strong> </strong>Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal published its first issue in 2014. In 2023, the journal is printed online. Its ISSN is 2985-1270 (Print), and ISSN 2985-122X (Online). The journal is published twice a year (1st issue January - June, 2nd issue July - December). <br />The articles will be assessed by the editorial team, at least, three readers, specialists in their relevant fields. Neither the readers' names nor the authors' names are revealed (Double-blinded peer reviews).</p> The Enhancement of EFL Learner’s Inspiration and Participation in English Learning by Employing a Card Game (Magic: The Gathering) 2024-01-29T16:08:48+07:00 Pichakorn Chantha Jittraphorn Sornkeaw Sarathorn Munpru <p> This academic article aimed to present a process for creating inspiration and promoting participation in learning the English language using a card game called "Magic: The Gathering" (MTG) among English as a foreign language learners. MTG is a collectible card game (CCG) and tabletop game developed primarily in English, with a long history and global popularity among people of all genders and ages. Playing MTG is suitable for English language learners, enhancing reading comprehension and interpretation skills from card content, improving speaking and listening skills through communication and interaction with other players, and learning new vocabulary, both general words and specific words of card games community. Additionally, the enjoyment and pleasure derived from playing this type of card game help foster inspiration that promotes active participation in English language learning. This is a crucial factor in facilitating the language learning process both inside and outside the classroom. <br /> The authors also introduced methods for incorporating MTG to enhance English language teaching in classrooms, providing teachers with a framework for promoting self-directed learning among English language learners. The article discusses limitations in using MTG as a language teaching tool, allowing educators to tailor the learning process to suit learners and maximize benefits.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal Local Cultural Scenario within Sustainable Development 2024-02-28T10:20:37+07:00 Suchat Saengthong <p> Academic articles explain the process of creating a local cultural scenario by looking at the future of changes that is expected to happen as local cultural within sustainable development. However, a sustainable development is balanced development and supportive interaction in economic, social, political, cultural and psychological, natural resource and environmental dimensions, based on knowledge and wisdom in collecting and organizing information, analyzing and synthesizing it to effectively benefit the local area. This article aims to analyze the local cultural scenario within sustainable development from document analysis, concepts, interviews with cultural and local knowledge experts, including sustainable cultural scenario framework, cultural capital in the local historical dimension, creation of identity based on art and culture in local architecture, culture's way of life with creative intellectual innovation in the integrative dimension of knowledge and developing effective learning processes of a reflection in thoughts, beliefs, way of life, customs and traditions on identity and value as local cultural within sustainable development.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal Logo and label design for products Dong Ton Yi Community, Yarang District, Pattani Province. By using the process of community participation. 2024-02-23T17:01:27+07:00 Kamtorn Kerdthip Batrudin Kalee <p> The objective of this academic article is to design the logo and label on products of the Dong Ton Yi community. By allowing the community to participate in the operation.<br /> From the analysis of information communicated to local communities and products of the Dong Ton Yi community, The information can be separated into 4 parts: part 1 related to Luk Yee products, part 2 related to the profession of making Luk Yee products, parts 3 related to beekeeping, parts 4 related to nature and rubber plantations. In designing the brand, Luk Yee, leaf, Stingless Bee, and Luk Yang Na were chosen as data for logo design. and used the characteristics of Luk Yee and leaf to design a pattern for product labels. and from the evaluation of satisfaction with the logo and product labels By observing the reaction and facial expressions, it was found that the community or entrepreneur had a smiling face. which expresses satisfaction with the work.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal Factors an Influencing of Product Purchase Decision through Online Social Media in Nakhon Sawan Province 2024-03-20T10:40:04+07:00 Jitaphat Yaithet Ladapha Romphuchaiyapruek Patthamanan Isaranontakul <p> This research aims, 1) study the factors in digital marketing mixture affecting the product purchase decision through online social media of consumers, 2) study the personnel factors which are affecting the product purchase decision through online social media of consumers, 3) study the product purchase decision through online social media of consumers in Nakhon Sawan Province. Collect data from the questionnaire with 400 samples then analyzing the data by descriptive statistic, percentage, mean and standard deviation, including of multiple statistics to test hypotheses. The results found that, 1) The overall factors of digital marketing mixture in all aspects were at a high level 2) The personnel factors has no effect on consumers' decision to purchase on social media in Nakhon Sawan province in all aspects 3) The decision to buy goods by social media of consumers in Nakhon Sawan province found that consumer data collection and the overall assessment of alternatives was at the highest level. The purchase decision and post-purchase behavior Nakhon Sawan Province is not different at a level of statistical significance of 0.05.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal Development of Quality Financial Planning Courses for Elderly Persons to Achieve a Good Quality of Life and Sustainable Self-sufficiency in the Lower Central Region Part 1 2024-04-02T13:04:04+07:00 sirirat chengseng Butsarin Sangsawang <p> This research article aimed to 1) study the needs of financial planning 2) develop financial planning courses for elderly persons for good quality of life and sustainable self-sufficient. This research is an applied research. The sample groups were the elderly persons from 4 provinces in lower central region of Thailand, in each group included 400 persons, using questionnaire as a tool. Statistics used to analyze the data were frequency distribution, percentage, average, and standard deviation. The result found that 1.the needs of the elderly persons in financial planning in their senior years for good quality of life, was overall at a high level with the greatest need for opportunities to create financial wealth. 2. The development of financial planning courses for elderly persons for good quality of life and sustainable self-sufficient were in 2 formats namely Microsoft PowerPoint slides and video clips, which including 3 chapters. After the development, the 4 provinces have their own elderly role models: 1) Kanchanaburi province had developed new careers for the elderly persons 2) Ratchaburi province had established the saving bank for the elderly persons 3) Suphanburi province had established the community and had developed new careers for the elderly persons 4) Nakhon Pathom province had created new careers for the elderly persons.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal The composing tactics of novel that appear on Joylada application 2023-12-15T12:04:39+07:00 Suwannee Kruaphung Sutita Singsawasd <p> This research aims to study the novel writing strategies that appear in Joylada application. It is based on the top 13 most popular novels in the fan club warehouse category which is the completed composing novel. It is the recent list of 13 novels from July 27, 2021, to August 25, 2021, that divided the composing tactics of novel into 4 issues namely opening story, storyline, closing story, and narrative perspective. The study found that there are two types of story openings: opening the story with a chat conversation and opening the story with news presentation. The narrative is an interspersed narrative. The closing of the story is a happy closing of the story, and the narrative perspective has two characteristics: the storyteller who is the character in the story and the narrator who is not the character in the story.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal The Appearance and Semantic Change of the Word /kɛɛŋ0/ in political demonstrations during 2020-2021. 2024-01-29T15:24:52+07:00 Saowarose Monwiset <p> This research article aims to study the appearance of the word <strong>/</strong>kɛɛŋ<sup>0</sup><strong>/ </strong>and its semantic change in the context of political demonstrations during 2020-2021. Data are collected from online news headlines containing the word <strong>/</strong>kɛɛŋ<sup>0</sup><strong>/ </strong>from 1<sup>st</sup> January 2020 to <br />31<sup>st</sup> December 2021, a total of 111 messages, and from 1<sup>st</sup> January 2023 to 1<sup>st</sup> October 2023, a total of 99 messages. The findings revealed that <br />the word <strong>/</strong>kɛɛŋ<sup>0</sup><strong>/ </strong>on online news headlines contains five meanings. 1) <strong>/</strong>kɛɛŋ<sup>0</sup><strong>/ </strong>as a noun means a dish cooked in water; it has various names according to the cooking method and seasonings. 2) <strong>/</strong>kɛɛŋ<sup>0</sup><strong>/ </strong>as an adjective means about curry food. 3) <strong>/</strong>kɛɛŋ<sup>0</sup><strong>/ </strong>as a verb means cause annoyance or do something with hidden intentions. 4) <strong>/</strong>kɛɛŋ<sup>0</sup><strong>/ </strong>as an adjective means annoyed. 5) <strong>/</strong>kɛɛŋ<sup>0</sup><strong>/ </strong>as a verb means intentionally annoying. This research study shows that using the word <strong>/</strong>kɛɛŋ<sup>0</sup><strong>/</strong> in terms of causing annoyance or doing something with hidden intentions appears to be widely used in the context of political demonstrations in 2020-2021. Later, using the word <strong>/</strong>kɛɛŋ<sup>0</sup><strong>/ </strong>in these terms is decreased noticeably.</p> <p> </p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal Protection of Appellant’s Rights as Administrative Orders in Notifying the Legal Rights to Legal File a Lawsuit 2024-03-19T08:44:30+07:00 Pinyapat Tibwongsa <p> This article aims to analyze the protection of appellant’s rights as administrative order in notifying the legal rights to file a lawsuit as efficiently. Is qualitative research from documentary study, in-depth interviews, focus group of collecting data to develop relevant laws, whereof the protection of appellant<strong>’s</strong> rights as administrative order in notifying the legal rights to file a lawsuit that allow people to not lose their rights or have their cases expire. Currently, the administrative order issuer a being the rights informant and appeals Judge in notifying the legal rights to file a lawsuit. The research findings indicate that the protection of defendants' rights in administrative orders regarding the notification of legal rights in legal proceedings is vital to prevent citizens from losing their rights or having their cases dismissed due to exceeding the legal timeframe. Presently, the issuers of administrative orders are responsible for both notifying individuals of their rights and assessing objections to these notifications. However, when the legal objection period expires, there is no legal provision to notify individuals about the time frame for filing a legal complaint. Consequently, numerous cases are dismissed because defendants are unaware of the specified legal deadline. Research suggestions include amending the Administrative Procedures Act of 2539 B.E. (1996) to mandate that issuer of administrative. orders must notify defendants of their objections and inform them about the legal timeframe for filing a complaint all at once, starting from the moment the objection occurs within the administrative staff.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal The study of digital technology operating models for community businesses in Nakhon Sawan Province 2024-03-21T08:05:26+07:00 Jitaphat Yaithet Bhuripas Muanthong Danuwat Isaranontakul <p> This research aims to study the digital readiness of leaders and members of community business groups and develop a digital technology operating model for community businesses in Nakhonsawan province through conducting qualitative research from small group interviews and in-depth interviews in the form of a forum to brainstorm opinions using simple random sampling of 320 groups in order to analyze the community business environment, digital readiness of leaders and community business group members in order to develop a digital technology operating model for community business. The results of the study found that community business groups are overall digitally ready to conduct business in a high level. The main digital technologies used for trading products of community businesses include social networking channels, electronic marketplaces and smartphones are the main tool. The main activities in the digital technology operating model have 9 activities which will allow the entrepreneur to analyze the main income from the digital technology operations through the store management system, as well as analyze the cost structure of the digital technology for decision making in order to increase market competitiveness further.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal Data preparation of intangible cultural heritage of Mon Klong 14 community with participation process 2024-02-08T10:30:20+07:00 Pattanan Rattanavorasawet Warada Pumpaka Orawan Chueanoi <p> The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the history of the Mon Khlong 14 community, 2) to study identity and intangible cultural heritage of Mon Khlong 14 community, and 3) to prepare intangible cultural heritage data of the Mon Khlong 14 community through a participatory process using qualitative research methodology. The research is conducted by participatory processes from collecting intangible cultural heritage data from key informants through in-depth interviews, group meetings, and seminars. Additionally, geographic information systems are utilized for mapping intangible cultural heritage.</p> <p> The Research results are 1) The history of the Mon Khlong 14 community this area was first pioneered by Mon people who came to occupy and establish the community for making their living according to the policy during the reign of King Rama V in order to increase rice production area for international trade and export. 2) The identity and intangible cultural heritage of the Mon Khlong 14 community, religious places , literature and language , food and nutrition, traditional crafts. 3) The preparation of intangible cultural heritage data with participation process of the Mon Khlong 14 found that the data of intangible cultural heritage which has been inherited to the present time can be divided into 4 characteristics as follow: (1) folk literature and language (2) social practices, ceremonies and festivals (3) knowledge and practice related to nature and the universe (4) traditional craftsmanship.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal Research on rural spatial structure planning and development under the trend of rural revitalization 2023-09-18T15:16:38+07:00 Anning Cai Pisit Puntien <p> With the development of the country's economy and society, the industrialization structure of most rural areas is also facing upgrading. However, in the process of rural revitalization and development, relevant government departments often pay more attention to the development of cities, which makes it easy to have insufficient stamina in rural construction, resulting in a series of problems. The "Rural Revitalization Strategic Plan 2018-2022" clearly states: "By 2022, the institutional framework and policy system for rural revitalization will be initially improved, the rural living environment will be significantly improved, and the construction of ecologically livable and beautiful villages will be basically realized. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve the national goals. To achieve better rural revitalization and development, we must always adhere to scientific planning of rural spatial structure. The goals of this study are: 1. To investigate the current situation of rural spatial structure planning. Aims to understand its impact and trends on sustainable development. 2. Evaluate the strategies for optimizing land use and community development used in rural spatial structure planning. This study adopts qualitative research methods, and the collection and arrangement of data mainly from books, expert conclusions and online data are the basis of relevant theoretical research. The questionnaires and interviews mainly focused on understanding the rural regional environment and spatial environment needs, and based on the survey results, we discussed the overall planning strategy that is consistent with the rural spatial structure. Through comprehensive analysis, it is consistent with the research results. Based on this, this paper first discusses the connotation of rural spatial structure planning, then analyzes the current situation of rural spatial structure planning, and finally introduces the strategies of rural spatial structure planning. For the reference of relevant staff. (National Rural Revitalization Strategic Plan 2018)</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal Cultural Landscape Reshaping Promotes the Development of Research and Tourism in Dong Villages: A Case Study of Gaoxiu Village in Guangxi 2023-09-02T09:23:33+07:00 Cheng Wang Chanoknart Mayusoh <p> There is a certain contradiction between the current traditional culture of Dong traditional villages in Guangxi and the needs of modern tourism, and the cultural landscape of village tourism needs to be reshaped reasonably. The purpose of this study is to explore the design method of reshaping the tourism cultural landscape in Dong villages and the innovative creation of Dong culture research and tourism environment, and to promote Dong culture experiential research tourism in Gaoxiu Village, Guangxi. The research adopts literature analysis method, qualitative research method, mixed research method, statistical analysis and descriptive analysis method, and takes "Gaoxiu Village" in Guangxi as the research object to carry out research combining theory and practice. This study reveals: 1) The cultural landscape of Dong traditional villages is an important resource and foundation for the development of tourism, which can bring new opportunities and development prospects for tourism development through remodeling and innovation; 2) The tourism culture of Gaoxiu Village in Guangxi Landscape construction has achieved certain results, but it still needs to be further deepened and improved. This study found that by reshaping the cultural landscape of the village, improving the living environment of residents, improving the taste of rural cultural tourism and improving the satisfaction of tourists, etc., we can build the national characteristic rural tourism brand of Dong traditional villages in Guangxi, and promote high-quality villages in Gaoxiu Village, Guangxi Dong culture experiential study tour.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal Research On the Development Strategy Of Hainan Li Brocade Cultural and Creative Products 2023-08-24T10:44:18+07:00 Zhangqiang He Chanoknart Mayusoh <p> As the only world-class intangible cultural heritage project in Hainan, Li Brocade possesses inherent advantages in the development of cultural and creative products. This study aims to investigate the classification, pricing, and development status of Li Brocade cultural and creative products in Hainan. It adopts a qualitative research approach, which involves observing cultural and creative products, conducting interviews with designers and experts, and analyzing survey data. The study identifies the issues in the development process and product positioning of Li Brocade cultural and creative products, and proposes the concept of "constructing an open design ecosystem" for development, emphasizing in-depth research and implementing diversified industry integration development, and formulating development strategies such as building strong cultural and creative brand IP. The goal is to better achieve the inheritance of Li Brocade intangible cultural heritage and promote coordinated economic development.</p> <p> The research findings can be applied to the development and design of cultural and creative products for the Li and other ethnic minorities in Hainan, providing reference and inspiration for the protection of intangible cultural heritage and the innovation of cultural and creative products for tourism in Hainan. The research emphasizes that cultural and creative product design contributes to the promotion and dissemination of Li ethnic culture while preserving the allure of traditional Li fabrics, thus creating commercial value.</p> <p> </p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal