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ทวีศักดิ์ ใหม่ประยูร
พระครู สุธีคัมภีรญาณ


The purposes of this article are to integrate the psychological practice and the Buddhist psychology for propagation of Buddhism. The principles of psychological practice consists of two aspects, that is, in the positive aspect, it is the enhancement, while in the negative aspect it is the destruction. The concept of the needs for the psychological practice is to reach the goal or individual functions only. The basic psychological practice is based on the Buddhist psychology, but the Buddhist psychology propagated by the Buddha is the indication of the truth that results in the faith leading to the acknowledgement. The methods of propagation of Buddhism used by the Buddha are the public psychology consisting of the propaganda, public relations, inducement with the reality or the truth in order to let the practitioners realize the real effects resulting in the change of attitude, emotion and feeling. The Buddha determined the stratagem in the aspect of communication, propagation and reaching of the mass with the use of the social psychology power to create the faith. Therefore, the psychology for propagation of Buddhism employed by the Buddha during his life time period is the foundation for the psychological practice at the present time. The Buddhist missionaries or Buddhist missionary monks who have ability and knowledge but do not achieve success because they have strategic problems. Some monks can lecture and teach well but cannot create faith in the mind of the others. So they do not achieve success. The Buddhist missionaries have to know one’s self and others and build up the network for propagation of Buddhism in order to achieve the success.

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How to Cite
ใหม่ประยูร ท., & สุธีคัมภีรญาณ พ. (2018). BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION FOR PROPAGATION OF BUDDHISM. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 17(2), 18–26. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spurhs/article/view/112122


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