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จอมขวัญ สุทธินนท์
ประเทือง ทินรัตน์
สิริวรรณ นันทจันทูล


The objective of this study was to explore the types of ironic speech acts of 806 statements in 14 lesbian romance novels based on Panpothong’ s concept of types of ironic speech acts. The study found two main types of ironic speech acts: 619 statements or 76.8 percent of verbal irony as conversational implicature, and 47 statements or 5.83 percent of verbal irony as conversationalized ironic implicature. In addition, the characters in the lesbian romance novels were found to use 140 statements or 17.37 percent that were a combination of the aforementioned two types of ironic speech acts.Furthermore, special intonation is a type of ironic speech acts often found with other sub-types of ironic speech acts. Sometimes characters in lesbian romance novels use a lot of detailed irony to preserve their value or image, and they probably do it by showing politeness that is not from their true kindness.

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How to Cite
สุทธินนท์ จ., ทินรัตน์ ป., & นันทจันทูล ส. (2018). LESBIAN ROMANCE AND IRONY. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15(2), 07–16. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spurhs/article/view/114885


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