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อนุศร หงษ์ขุนทด
ไพฑูรย์ ศรีฟ้า


This article deals with the main part of a research study on development of a model of flipped-classroom learning environment for music lessons using three media formats, namely, the video clips, the augmented reality, and the Facebook social media for secondary school students. The research sample for this study consisted of three experts in educational technology for evaluation of the model appropriateness, and 90 Mathayom Suksa 5 students obtained by multi-stage sampling for the study of their satisfaction with the flipped classroom learning environment for music lessons. Statistics for data analysis were the percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
Research findings showed that (1) the experts had overall opinion that the model of flipped classroom learning environment for music lessons was appropriate at the highest level; and (2) the students were satisfied with the flipped-classroom music learning environment at the high level.

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How to Cite
หงษ์ขุนทด อ., & ศรีฟ้า ไ. (2018). MODEL OF FLIPPED CLASSROOM LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR MUSIC LESSONS. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15(2), 119–129. Retrieved from


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