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สุภมาส อังศุโชติ


Factor analysis is the statistical method used to reduce the number of variables by grouping correlated variables into the variable dimension form. This is called a “factor”. Each factor stands for a latent variable which the researchers need to study. Factor analysis can be divided into 2 types, namely, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Both types of factor analysis are used to develop instruments in the field of behavioral science. Exploratory factor analysis is used when the researchers want to know the amount of common factors in each trait. Confirmatory factor analysis is used to examine the factor’s construct validity. Sometimes researchers combine both types together: collecting data from the sample set 1 for the exploratory factor analysis and then using the same instrument to collect data from the sample set 2 for the confirmatory factor analysis to examine the validity across groups.

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How to Cite
อังศุโชติ ส. (2018). THE USE OF FACTOR ANALYSIS FOR INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT IN BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 15(1), 125–135. Retrieved from


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