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พินดา วราสุนันท์


This research aims to: 1) assess the needs on measurement and evaluation ability in the knowledge and skills component of internship of student teachers who are undergoing professional experience internship; 2) develop measurement and evaluation ability of the student teachers with the application of the logic model of evaluation; and 3) study the student teachers’ implementation of the obtained knowledge in their instruction. The sample consisted of 37 fifth year students in the Mathematics and Computer Education Program of the Faculty of Education and Development Sciences, who were undergoing professional experience internship during the first and second semesters of the 2012 academic year. The employed research instrument was a needs assessment questionnaire on measurement and evaluation ability. Data were analyzed using the mean, Prioritization Needs Index Technique (PNImodified), and content analysis. Conclusions from research findings are as follows:
1. Needs assessment results from an analysis of PNImodified show that in terms of measurement and evaluation knowledge, the highest priority need is that on principles of quality verification of evaluation instruments; while in terms of measurement and evaluation skills, the highest priority need is that on evaluation of teaching/curriculum/media and teaching aids/teaching method after the completion of teaching.
2. After participating in the program, student teachers have higher measurement and evaluation ability inclusive of the knowledge, skills and attitudes toward measurement and evaluation.
3. Student teachers make use of the obtained knowledge and skills in their instruction with emphasis on behavior observation, questioning, worksheet assignment, development of proper measurement and evaluation instruments, and apply the measurement and evaluation results in forming learner development guidelines for research purposes.

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วราสุนันท์ พ. (2018). NEEDS ASSESSMENT OF CAPACITY IN MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION OF STUDENT TEACHERS. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 14(1), 27–37. Retrieved from


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