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กิตติมา พันธ์พฤกษา
ณสรรค์ ผลโภค
มนัส บุญประกอบ
จรรยา ดาสา


The purpose of this study was to develop the science instructional model called FEACA Model for lower secondary school students in order to enhance students’ conceptual understanding, analytical thinking, and application of knowledge. This science instructional model emphasizing contextual approach consisted of 5 steps of learning, namely, focusing, exploring, analyzing, conceptual developing, and applying. This study was a quasi-experimental research with the pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. The research sample consisted of Mathayom Suksa 3 (Ninth Grade) students in two intact classrooms. One classroom was assigned as the experimental group to be taught with the FEACA Model while the other was assigned as the control group to be taught with the traditional instruction. The research instruments consisted of the learning unit, a conceptual understanding test, an analytical thinking test, and an application of knowledge test. The findings suggested that the experimental group students’ scores on conceptual understanding, analytical thinking, and application of knowledge were significantly higher than the control group students’ counterpart scores at the .01 and .05 levels.

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พันธ์พฤกษา ก., ผลโภค ณ., บุญประกอบ ม., & ดาสา จ. (2018). THE DEVELOPMENT OF FEACA MODEL TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ CONCEPTUAL UNDERSTANDING, ANALYTICAL THINKING, AND APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(2), 07–16. Retrieved from


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